Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] to [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Chancellor yesterday very kindly did not put V A T on books and periodicals but had he done so that would have the effect of taking more than one hundred thousand pounds out of our accounts in the current year without us being able to do anything about it and it does seem to me that we should be considering asking the members in general meeting to pass to the Council of the Association the right to set and increase subscriptions and having properly advised the members thereof to fix the effective date of such increases , otherwise we are very badly placed to respond to short-term problems .
2 I think we 've all grown used to small loasses of fruit and vegetables but not on this scale .
3 Individual property owners in cities have long had to conform to legal controls , but planning as a more widespread activity dates only from the mid-twentieth century ( Hall 1982 ) .
4 If it is simply that ‘ our heritage is our power ’ , and women gain strength today by looking to their sisters in the past , if what interests her is the vision of an equality between women and men , Schüssler Fiorenza might well be better advised to look to other communities in the ancient Near East .
5 Alternative responses to the early stages of the National Curriculum build not from rigid hierarchies of tasks , but from pedagogical principles flexibly applied to respond to different individuals and groups , and based on an understanding of broad developmental principles and their diverse expression in individual children 's work.6
6 Vice-President and Finance Minister George Saitoti presented a budget on June 15 , 1989 , largely intended to appeal to international donors through its aim to curb public expenditure and to reduce the deficit to 4.2 per cent of GDP in 1989-90 , from 4.5 per cent in 1988-89 .
7 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
8 Arguments for the existence of God are no longer required to conform to Euclidean standards of proof — any more than are modern scientific hypotheses .
9 Many older Shetlanders lay great stress on a boom and bust theory of history : according to this theory Shetland and Dunrossness have experienced booms in the past , but they have always had to revert to traditional lifestyles and industries when they pass .
10 The blame must lie with the fertiliser manufacturers , who undoubtedly have done their best to encourage increased consumption by heavy advertising to farmers , and who in many cases also own farms themselves and supply seed of varieties specially bred to respond to high levels of nitrogen .
11 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
12 Implementation of the Community Care Act is now upon us , yet many organisations have not really begun to explain to potential clients and stakeholders in the wider community exactly what care management is , who care managers are , what they will do , and what a care package can include .
13 In the 10 subjects in whom antral-duodenal , and jejunal motilities were monitored simultaneously with the oesophageal recording , the different phases of the migrating motor complex were visually identified according to accepted criteria .
14 A large part of the world is notionally governed according to Marxist principles .
15 ( It should be noted that the name ‘ schlieren ’ is occasionally used to refer to optical methods in general rather than this specific one , which is then known as the Topler-schlieren method . )
16 As recently as April 29 at Olivetti 's annual meeting , De Benedetti said , ‘ Olivetti has never provided financing to political parties or associated entities .
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