Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [verb] the [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Lord Bridge then outlined a series of cases , in particular the Court of Appeal decision in Crancour v da Silvaesa ( 1986 ) 18 HLR 265 , in which landlords used a variety of devices in their " licence " agreements to avoid the rigours of Street v Mountford , for example ensuring that the " Licensee " was only allowed to occupy the premises for 22 out of 24 hours a day , or the provision of " attendance " by the " Licensor " , such as window cleaning , laundering of bed-linen , or boxes of cornflakes left at the licensee 's door with a bottle of milk as " breakfast " .
2 This lining is highly folded to increase the area for the absorption of nutrients .
3 The first Russian parliament was established in a country which had little done to prepare the ground for constitutionalism .
4 Mrs Postance believes that the heavy digging already completed to prepare the ground for the national curriculum has had a beneficial effect , at least on the teachers , even if the children have yet to reap the harvest : ‘ It 's focused our minds on what we are teaching .
5 Since the Lords are unelected and MPs have already voted to reject the call for a referendum , the issue could provoke a direct clash between Mr Major and his predecessor .
6 They may be the best equipped to identify the tariff for retribution and deterrence in a particular case but they may also be wrong .
7 Michon ( 1988 ) in particular suggests that driver training should avoid providing information at a declarative level but rather give rules which are easily proceduralized to minimize the need for the driver to ‘ think ’ .
8 The very large hotels are comfortably geared to provide the venue for any type of conference , large or small .
9 Mr Wakerley reminded the jury that Sams had already admitted leaving the message for Shipways ' branch manager Kevin Watts , in January 1992 , who was carrying the £175,000 demanded for Stephanie 's safe release .
10 The Court of Appeal , with its considerable case-load of appeals in personal injury actions and the relatively recent experience of many of its members in trying such cases themselves is , generally speaking , the tribunal best qualified to set the guide-lines for judges currently trying such actions .
11 3.19 As already stated , the tribunal best qualified to set the guidelines for judges trying personal injury actions is the Court of Appeal .
12 As such , the analysis lacks the constitutional authority of awards made by the Court of Appeal which , as Lord Diplock stated in Wright v British Railways Board [ 1983 ] AC 773 at p785 is " the tribunal best qualified to set the guidelines for Judges currently trying such actions " .
13 Singapore Telecom Ltd has bought 46.1m shares , worth around $8.3m , in Globe Telecom Ltd of Manila : it is also expected to provide the technology for Globe 's planned move into the cellular phone business .
14 The changes also included reducing the sentence for security offences from life imprisonment to 10 years .
15 Although intended in its own right as a contribution to the understanding of these issues , the project is also designed to lay the groundwork for further cross-nationally comparative empirical research .
16 Local resources were probably exploited to satisfy the demand for wool , leather and wood , while spinning , weaving , fulling and possibly dyeing were all essentially part of the normal domestic scene .
17 This is also used to close the filter for removal , keeping the contents inside .
18 European Studies also helped translate the menu for a Russian dinner .
19 Marlon Brando , in The Godfather ( 1972 ) , amiably declined to have the patience for such five-hour make-ups : an hour and a quarter was his maximum , but then he was only ageing 20 or 25 years , not 90 .
20 By then he had also begun to produce the works for which he is principally remembered , pen or lithographic facsimile reproductions of early printing and wood engraving , generally intended to remedy defects in existing copies of books .
21 Richard Freeland and Morgan Hay both failed to find the target for their sides , but Freeland at least had the satisfaction of scoring the only goal for Touche Ross 13 minutes from time following a penalty corner .
22 The price the peasants paid was artificially inflated to compensate the nobility for the dues in labour and cash which they were losing .
23 I presume that the hon. Gentleman thought it right to return to the matter in the House having notably failed to achieve the result for which he hoped by an overheated press release to the same effect which he issued at the end of last week .
24 Small computers are now routinely used to perform the tasks for which photographers are employed , whilst the advent of still video is making increasing inroads into the working lives of photojournalists .
25 He said : ‘ I should also be grateful if you would inform your readers that the Department of Transport have now agreed to reduce the fees for the new Transport & Works Act Orders which replace the old Light Railway Orders with effect from January 1 and the fees which will be payable in respect of applications where no compulsory purchase order is being sought will now be £750 for the first hectare ( or part of one hectare ) and thereafter £250 for each 0.5 hectare ( or part thereof ) with a maximum fee of £80,000 .
26 He had often imagined seeing the enemy for the first time , but it was strange how very commonplace and yet how exciting this baptism was .
27 We are very proud to have the opportunity of introducing our president to our Norfolk audiences ; as Molly has kindly consented to handle the commentary for us .
28 Citizens were not even allowed to sing the Marseillaise for themselves .
29 Eventually , Lenin was even forced to acknowledge the need for bureaucratic privilege .
30 It was unanimously resolved to delay the case for some time . "
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