Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] that [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The courts have recently demonstrated a reaction against an absurdly over-generous approach to the construction of agreements in the employee 's favour : see Home Counties Dairies Ltd v Skilton [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 526 in which the defendant was employed by the plaintiffs as a milkman and he expressly agreed that for a period of one year after his employment terminated he would not 'serve or sell milk or dairy produce " to any person who had been a customer of his employers and who had been served by him during the six months prior to his leaving .
2 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
3 ‘ But I only stuck that for a couple of weeks , ’ he says , ‘ for I was playing guitar at a party one night in Cleveland , Ohio , and he said there were easier ways of making money out there than working the building sites .
4 How long he lay against Mick he did n't know ; he only knew that between the sounds he had been emitting and the wash of tears that seemed to have drained him dry , a voice within him had kept repeating : ‘ She killed your father , Mick ; she killed your father .
5 She only knew that from the moment she had stepped on to Danish soil she 'd been caught up in circumstances over which she had no control , but which appeared moment by moment to be leading her further from her original purpose .
6 I suddenly thought that on the advert that 's gone in
7 He rightly felt that in the age of nuclear weapons any future war in Europe would be an act of suicide and so from 1956 he appealed repeatedly for an improvement in East-West relations and for super-power disengagement in the continent 's central heartland .
8 When I was a student in Germany and encountering fierce anti-semitism and a fierce anti-Jewish relations I , I soon realised that at the back of this was a direct attack upon the concrete revelation of God in history through Israel and the church , which called in question German nationalism , German blood and soil .
9 This generous man with guinea-gold hair had come into her life so unexpectedly , but she just knew that like a guinea he would slip through her fingers before she had a chance to know him better .
10 I soon learned that in the islands a bungalow meant any house , large or small .
11 He further speculated that with a room to Boswell , and one for the laird , ‘ there remained eight rooms only for at least seven and thirty lodgers .
12 Even when I could n't rightly understand him , I always knew that at the heart of his talk there was summat good — sum mat true .
13 He also admitted that on the balance of their performances against Brazil , England and Argentina this autumn , his side clearly lacked that extra something .
14 It later transpired that in the days immediately preceding the budget he had found time to eat only once — a poached egg at the Lyons Corner House which was then opposite the House of Commons .
15 We also found that in the South East of England ( including Greater London ) , where the density of IT employers is very high , DP staff turnover levels as high as 40 per cent were being recorded in 1986,6 compared to ( only ! ) 25 per cent in the previous year ( quoted in Computing , 30/10/86 ) .
16 But he also noted that in the light of the extent of fossil fuel burning , deforestation and population growth , " we may need radical and risky geo-engineering schemes to muddle through while we figure out how to cure the problem fundamentally " .
17 We also assumed that from the age of 14 able pupils could and should be reading from a range of books written for adults , so the number of suitable authors would make any list quite impracticable .
18 They also protested that under the law half of any funds received from abroad were to be placed in a special " fund for democracy " .
19 We also thought that on the feast of St Thomas More , June 24th it would be a good idea to celebrate the feast in the evening in the school hall when we can all gather to meet for the first or last time and say ‘ Hello ’ and ‘ Good-bye ’ as appropriate .
20 But he also remembered that by the time he left school he was ‘ a thoroughly political animal ’ .
21 He also said that in the letter he told Mr Wilson that he was held in great esteem among Irish people , qualifying him to engage in political dialogue .
22 After that she would make her way back to her aunt , her mission a failure , because she now knew that in no way would Silas be persuaded to go cap in hand to Bertha .
23 Figures released today reported that in the year ending March 31 profits before tax were £10.3m compared with £7.7m in 1992 .
24 Disturbed that the English were at odds with a nation that should have been one of its natural religious allies , Cromwell brought about a rapid end to the Dutch War , and during the peace negotiations he even proposed that in the interests of their common religion the English and Dutch republics should merge to form one united Protestant state .
25 ‘ I long ago noted that to a doctor keeping confidences meant telling your patient nothing and his relatives everything .
26 At the same time he profoundly believed that in the church Jew and Gentile were to be united in one fellowship .
27 Yet Amiss felt that to a group of paranoid old men the Admiral 's conduct must have appeared worrying .
28 So like I even said that to the coppers today I said he 's been handling seventeen hundred pounds near enough near as damn it
29 Pardoning them in return for a fine of £18,840 , he initially demanded that in the prologue to the official grant of pardon he should be styled ‘ sole protector and supreme head of the English Church and clergy ’ .
30 My father stopped , looked at me for a bit and then said that in the circumstances I could go out that night — providing I milked the cows first .
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