Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [coord] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I 'm not , do n't get me wrong , I 'm not one of these formal you know want 's to everything but the idea of this is that we go we get it off the ground and then the management committee take over and run it , it will hopefully have two parish representatives , wo n't be overcommitted by being you know constantly hectored and badgered by people saying this is your ground .
2 The hairs on the back of his neck suddenly prickled and stood on end .
3 He finally turned and looked at Scott .
4 She just smiled and went to heaven . ’
5 He was n't strong enough to get on to the par-5s in two for eagle chances , so he just chipped and putted for birdies .
6 Destined to take over his father 's cattle station , he quickly defected and headed for Point Cook — the RAAF " Cranwell " — but not before several obstacles , which might have deterred many a lesser lad , had been overcome .
7 Human Touch is the album he has been working on for several years and Lucky Town a set of songs he quickly wrote and recorded at home recently , and though the tone of the two records does n't differ that much , the second set of songs are far better .
8 The man , once derided and jeered by Arsenal fans , earned instant immortality with the latest of late goals in a 2–1 replay win to finally end the interminable Wembley saga and break the hearts of luckless Sheffield Wednesday .
9 The mist had cleared , and to the north-east the Lots Road Power Station had discharged from its four majestic chimneys long plumes of white pearly smoke which slowly drooped and turned to dun .
10 People mostly walked or came on bicycles .
11 Often , as many as half the inhabitants of a Victorian market town were craftsmen who both lived and worked on premises which were sited as near to the market place as possible .
12 I prayed for the ardour of the fruit tree , the passive rapture of the long grasses , the patient infinite receptivity of the stone walls that also pulsed and shivered with love of the Light . ’
13 ‘ Further calls were made on the 999 system in which he repeatedly swore and mumbled about drink driving offences in the North Yorkshire police area , ’ said Mr Walker .
14 Alfred Fry , stage manager of Drew 's company , told the court that he was at the premises in Friar Street when he heard Drew singing at six o'clock ; he also saw and spoke to Drew at 6.15 .
15 It had entered one of the tents , but a moment later emerged and raced at Tallis , light reflecting in dull eyes .
16 Although late rebleeding often occurred and resulted in readmission to hospital , it accounted for only a minority of deaths .
17 For three quarters of an hour they stood there , and bitterly complained and rejoiced in rumours of police intervention , faintings , and thefts and then , slowly , the floor began to clear a little .
18 Feigning obedience , Richard left Paris but then turned and swooped on Chinon .
19 I watched her get smaller and smaller , then turned and headed for shore .
20 She climbed the stairs to her room , then undressed and went to bed , wetting the pillow with her tears which , held back all day , now flowed unchecked .
21 According to a book I 've got it says the first ten games of that glorious start saw is in with 5 wins and five draws ( we then went and lost to palace in the last minute ) .
22 The Guild members were not asked about birth control in the questionnaire that elicited these letters , so it is all the more surprising that twenty women volunteered the information that they either used or approved of contraception .
23 parked behind , but then somebody else came and parked in front of him , and he was there and sort , you could see him looking you know , he looked at the driveway and he looked , he was looking in his rear view mirror and then he turned round and looked like this , then he looked at the front , and he was thinking my god I ca n't get out of here , and all of a sudden a little car comes up the road stops , goes beep , beep on the horn , wan na get in the drive , this bloke went ha , ha , ha , ha and he could n't do anything
24 And still the faint red light up ahead came and went by fits and starts , leading them on across gale-swept open moorland , through massively still pine forests , up exposed dirt tracks and over passes whose names had vanished with the inhabitants of the farms where until a few decades earlier generation after generation of human beings had eked out lives of almost unimaginable deprivation .
25 The firm never recovered and went into bankruptcy .
26 A year later he bought a Lea-Francis — the Flying Standard had collapsed — then a Mark 1O Jaguar , then a Cadillac , then the red MG which he never sold and took to Switzerland .
27 He therefore fingerspelled and signed from childhood , which made him an exceptionally able interpreter .
28 Finer I never saw or tasted from Barbados or better cured .
29 He too arced and raced in ellipses .
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