Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and HP agreed to support a common position Sun eventually found it could n't resist , especially with Novell nudging it on .
2 Which basically found it could n't make a railway service run and dropped it .
3 But they obviously felt they could n't make too much of an example of him because a lot of people , mainly on Sky TV , had already judged the issue .
4 Connelly hoped they could n't hear the desperation in his voice .
5 Cos I noticed when we were there and it just collapsed he could n't walk a lot .
6 When I finally decided I could n't dawdle over my coffee any longer , a decision arrived at long before by the hard-eyed blonde in charge of the cash register , I climbed back in the heap and headed home .
7 I became very tired and soon felt I could not swim any more .
8 Even after what I just learned I could n't believe you 've been lying to me since we met — that I was coming back to ask you — ’
9 He just hoped they could n't see it from the stalls .
10 I just said I could n't go myself !
11 I just said I could n't wait to hear it .
12 Eventually , those waging their campaign against her found they were losing , and furthermore , they quickly realized they could n't afford not to be seen as a Katherine Lundy party .
13 But though they were excellent makers of models to other people 's plans and designs I quickly found they could only work well if they were given very detailed constructional drawings and plans .
14 ‘ We always figured we could n't afford ads , but we could make a lot of noise ’ , says Miles .
15 She always said she could n't have gone to Brownies at all if she had n't been able to cycle , for the distance was too far for her to walk , and there was no bus .
16 They both probably thought it could never happen to them .
17 But even in her anger she also knew she could not add anything more to the heavy burden of worry and doubt she had seen her father was already carrying .
18 For all the senator 's affability he was a proud man and I knew he had humbled himself to ask for my help and I also knew I could not refuse him .
19 Clegg also said he could not estimate whether the speed of the approaching stolen car was closer to 20 or 50mph .
20 I really thought I could n't bear not to at least understand what he was going through , but by that time my opinion was totally irrelevant — not wanted — added to which , I 'm not easy to get along with anyway because I 'm not a ‘ yes-man ’ .
21 Tess now felt she could not stop things happening , and agreed passively to whatever Angel suggested .
22 Presumably felt they could n't afford
23 For one thing , she had never worn a strapless dress before , and although the bodice was tight-fitting and well supported she could n't rid herself of the fear that the dress would go slithering to the floor at some critical moment , leaving her almost naked , like in a bad dream .
24 I simply said I could n't picture you doing anything as unglamorous as helping wee ones count to ten . ’
25 She took one step forward , then realized she could not go on .
26 He circled , looking for the other two , and then found he could n't level out : the outer half of the left wing was shredded , as if by hailstones .
27 With this she knocked away the snow from the lettering — but then found she could n't make out the words in the dark .
28 Tightening her lips as though afraid they might widen against her will , she then found she could n't bear the ensuing silence .
29 During the first six months after the baby was born he was very helpful when he was around , as Tracy sometimes felt she could n't cope because her daughter cried so much .
30 The weight of the gun in his jacket pocket and the night air , thicker here than in the city centre , it was further from the ocean , you sometimes felt you could n't breathe until you found your way to the end of the land .
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