Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [prep] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With the exception of some early state papers in private collections and most notably , the very extensive India Office records , which effectively ceased to be produced in 1948 , the Special Collections of the British Library are for the most part private in their origin and unpredictable in the manner and timing of their acquisition .
2 It was as big as the island itself , if not bigger , and the rocks below seemed to be wobbling under the strain of holding it up .
3 Despite this chilly inconvenience , however , the place was crowded with people who all seemed to be talking at once .
4 This only began to be reversed as a trend after 1975 .
5 He especially liked to be taken to the home of a couple , to sleep securely between them if they 'd let him , and then in the morning to ask them questions about their house , about the furniture which they 'd chosen together .
6 But much had to be done before any real progress could be made , and essentially this lay in the problem of land acquisition and assembly .
7 But much had to be dealt with around the mouth and collarbone ration , and his 50th innings as captain , in his 88th Test , closed with an awkward , hurried jab to short leg off the chest .
8 When in position the confection obviously had to be protected from the effects of the sea water until the frogman had positioned the mine and was ready to ‘ an ’ it .
9 He did not merely jump on the bandwagon of the great railway boom , but rethought the whole business from scratch and — with sound reasoning — adopted a broad gauge ( 7 feet ) which only had to be converted to the ‘ standard ’ gauge of 4 feet 8½ inches after nearly sixty years because it had become isolated from the rest of the country 's railway network .
10 She merely wanted to be whisked from luxury hotel to draught-free concert hall in a big limousine , there to play to an attentive , elegant audience and be driven away again surrounded by encores and orchids .
11 Tani 1984 ) , but is part of a more recent trend on the part of ‘ serious ’ fiction to incorporate what hitherto tended to be regarded as ‘ popular ’ genres : the detective story ( giallo ) in Stefano Benni 's Comici spaventati guerrieri ( Comic frightened Warriors , 1986 ) and in Gianfranco Manfredi 's two novels to date ; the thriller in De Carlo 's Uccelli da gabbia e da voliera ( Cage Birds and Aviary Birds , 1982 ) and , in a form largely hidden by the luxuriance of the language , in Aldo Busi 's most recent book La Delfina Bizantina ( The Byzantine Dolphin , 1987 ) ; science fiction ( Benni 's Terra ! , 1983 ) ; the fantastic , with its recurring topic of ‘ doubles ’ , in another novel published by the enterprising Ancona firm Il Lavoro Editoriale , Claudio Lolli 's L'inseguitore Peter H .
12 Since the man was in this incapable state most afternoons , the head rightly wanted to be rid of him .
13 Rena M. , an active union member , nevertheless asked to be replaced on the committee in 1929 because of her mother 's illness .
14 This ‘ heliacal rising ’ , to use the term employed in Greek astronomy , thus came to be regarded as the natural fixed point of the ‘ Sothic ’ calendar .
15 Clocks thus came to be regarded as status symbols .
16 The tax thus came to be seen as an impost on the whole community , to which the general assent of the community was required .
17 The rynd and the spindle soon came to be made from iron to be more durable , and the handle was developed to become a lever for turning the runner stone by animal power .
18 In calling on Congress for this aid the President outlined the broad policy , which soon came to be known as the Truman Doctrine .
19 The argument over housing in Derry soon came to be focused on am important issue of corporation policy — the question of extending the city boundary so as to include more land for housing and industrial development .
20 The image soon came to be reproduced in Teutonic style .
21 The dinner itself , a ritual of many courses , begins to emerge in relays from the swing doors of the kitchen , the food bland and unexceptionable , but plentiful and somehow sanctified by being served by the immaculate waiters in sashes and gloves .
22 I just happened to be seen by a lot of people every night .
23 BBS seriously considered firing Hopper ; the pressure of moving a production team of twenty-three people from state to state , writing the script on the run and persuading innocent citizens of the United States of America who just happened to be passing at the time to appear in the movie , was a heavy burden for all .
24 Maybe it was n't even him that took my bag — maybe it was one of those American tourists or someone I did n't even see , and Dayglo here — Vern — just happened to be running along the wharf .
25 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
26 The ceasefire agreement nevertheless appeared to be holding in the corridors , at least up to the final week of February , and there had still been no reports of any serious breaches of the Rome agreement .
27 Although parliamentary government did not cease to work , it no longer appeared to be working in the way that it had in the past .
28 Further , 25% of tutors ' fees were not grant-aided and thus had to be met from other sources principally donations , subscriptions and through appeals to branches , with some assistance from the National WEA when its own difficult financial position allowed , usually about £50 a year .
29 The myth of a Maronite majority thus had to be accepted by the Muslims for Lebanon 's ‘ democracy ’ to work .
30 After six weeks Moz began to mellow , and the headstall no longer had to be kept on him .
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