Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] he [verb] [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 At the entrance to the Press tent I asked the security man if Toby was inside and he pointed him out in the middle of the usual muddle of desks and papers , with telephones ringing and cigarette smoke drifting , and expletives exploding .
2 In this respect Ferguson thought that the Warner Bros film was a good indication of what could be achieved by Hollywood when it tackled social problems honestly and he summed it up by returning to one of his favourite points about Hollywood that ‘ even half a loaf on the national stomach is at least nourishment taken in ’ .
3 You will recall that when we talked about the libido theory , I said that there were erm different one of the reasons why Freud had to introduce the libido theory was he wanted to get away from the narrow biological reproductive concept of sex to do with genitals and reproduction which is of course he 'd want to expand it to include psychological never seen before er or never seen before so clearly , such as erm love of the self and , and this he gave the name narcissism , well he did n't actually , somebody else invented it not long before and he took it over very quickly .
4 ‘ Mr Evans was in here and he took something out of the jewel box .
5 It assured him of his right to be here and he picked it up and put it in his jacket pocket before walking through into the hall with its white doors leading to the reception rooms .
6 When I went first he took one out there and he took it out clean , but this one here , in actual fact he gave me a stitch , and when the stitch was n't in you could see the tooth protruding a bit .
7 Ben takes you there and he brings you back , but there are the in-between times , and evil men are clever .
8 They picked him up there but he shook them off . ’
9 Thomson invites Ormanroyd to move forward and he drives it on and as he did so presume the referee has whistled for a free kick for the challenge by Gemmell , yes he has .
10 And it hu go And it was there and it was left all night , and next day erm the man came back again and he cut it down the back with a big saw , and divided it up and then it was taken to the house where it was er up and then salted in a big barrel .
11 Greyson Thomson back to the fullback again and he wins it back off Chettle but Cooper 's there and that was a foul by Whitlow in the back of Rozario .
12 So we kept opening the door it blew out once again and he put it on again and we were still getting these fumes till about oh about half past five it seemed to stop , u we had the windows open .
13 he was in bed with her and she and no she pushed her husband and of course he turned over naturally , he were n't , he did n't know and she pushed him again and he tied them up there , took all their jewellery off of them
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