Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [adv] as [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I do it without premeditation , as naturally and wearily as if I did it every night .
2 Then she brought his lips against hers again and kissed him long and lasciviously as if she was the man and he the woman …
3 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
4 Other relatives and professionals collude in ignoring what they in fact know-that these people have lived together sexually , domestically and financially as if they were married .
5 I showed him our itinerary and he read the names aloud slowly and haltingly as if thee were the names of some distant land whose pronunciation he was unsure of .
6 The men around this table had come to accept his leadership also , more and more as if he were the President .
7 He even had on a collar and tie , which I 'd never seen before and which he would tug at every now and then as if it were too tight .
8 Alex turned to her and spoke each word loudly and clearly as if she were a subnormal child .
9 In the spaces among the buildings , rubble and litter of every sort were scattered and heaped , forming deeper piles here and there as if they had drifted like sand .
10 ’ He did look at her then , rather sadly and searchingly as if he were going away for ever and wanted to remember what she looked like .
11 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
12 Topaz went into Timothy 's arms as quietly and naturally as if nothing had happened .
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