Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [pron] be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We liked Chris very much and it was obvious that they were very happy together , and so we went ahead with plans for the wedding .
2 In fact I have made one very important friend in the past week or so and it 's ironic that your last letter is responsible for this friendship !
3 We would n't want to comment on the comparative merits of your Minitex and Barbara Smith 's Erka which we show below but it is interesting that the Minitex cost £42.10s.0d in 1950 and the Erka 45 guineas in 1960 .
4 Books by , and about , lesbians have been in comparative abundance in the last 5 years or so but it 's debatable whether this literary output has served as insular affirmations or taken lesbian sexuality a little further down the road of acceptance .
5 Each case needs to be considered individually and it is important that the woman is involved in the decision to induce .
6 ‘ The merger provides the potential for developing more business than we would have achieved separately and I am confident that we have the basis for a successful future .
7 And they were grown apiece while he was away and they were better than ever and the deal was been that he had was gon na give them the best two cattle you see and this was this was the best two animals he had .
8 The Trees were moving slowly and painfully and it was terrible and marvellous to see them .
9 My garage is to be demolished very soon and I am worried that the pneumatic drill which may be used to break up the concrete base will upset or even kill my fish in a pond about 20′ away .
10 However , the position is not as simple as this because , if the merger had taken place , rationalisation and restructuring would have happened anyway and it is likely that certain plants in any combined GM/Leyland group would have closed .
11 I think very good at going through with a toothcomb anyway and I 'm sure that she could quite adequately .
12 They are not obviously satisfied elsewhere and it is significant that these are the main areas that have proved susceptible to analysis by stimulation .
13 She told Magill : ‘ I had clothes on the line outside and they were black and heavy .
14 He fancied he could hear the thing moving about outside and he was glad that the door was locked .
15 Henderson is aware that there has been talk of Lennie being lured away but he is confident that the Boro boss will stay and see the Boro into a new era of success .
16 Clearly paper will not be abandoned altogether and it is likely that trivial notes of the type cited at the beginning of this article will invariably be recorded as manuscripts .
17 Her ankle was aching badly and she was hot and very fed up .
18 Right and it 's anticipated that you will strike the erm , the hoop in the process .
19 ‘ The investigation is being conducted vigorously and I am confident that that will become publicly clear in due course . ’
20 The system works , it ensures that parking areas are used effectively and it is simple and cheap to operate and supervise .
21 Its tally of 184,445 was its highest ever and it is likely that the personal vote for John Hume , its leader , in Foyle , and the conversion of Eddie McGrady 's marginal in South Down to a 600-plus majority , will have been boosted by some Protestant crossover .
22 I was riding that bike yesterday and it was alright but I si slipped doing that .
23 ‘ Yes , I too drank deeply and I was unsteady and slow in returning .
24 Their replacements , Frederick Smit and Piet Pretorius , settled in quickly but it was surprising that Midlands did n't move England 's Martin Bayfield from the middle to the front of the lineout , where Drikus Hattingh impressed with a succession of clean two-handed catches .
25 woke up once but she was good and went back to sleep well .
26 But I would 've never I would 've never said to your dad well he 's saying ah he were n't too broad in my opinion like but he was broader than your mother .
27 It is not clear who these other aliens were — some were probably Italians-but it is probable that a substantial proportion of them were engaged in trade with Gascony or other French lands .
28 She woke up some hours later and everything was clean and white and she was clean and was lying in a fresh cotton garment between stiff sheets .
29 They 've gone now and it 's nice and peaceful just lying here doing nothing .
30 The shelling had stopped now and it was certain that someone had been killed or wounded , maybe the chap in the next slit trench a few feet away .
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