Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Already she opens my father 's letters , though so far she has not read them out loud or tied his tie for him .
2 If the current trend continues , the landowners to whom the bothies belong , could decide that enough is enough and withdraw their permission for usage .
3 I could go away and draw yer face for ye .
4 In retirement Anderson travelled extensively and continued her work for women and children in an international context .
5 He rose choreographically and refilled his cup for the third time .
6 To book on to any of the seminars , or to receive a complete package of information including an up-to-date list of the forthcoming dates and venues BE SURE TO RETURN THE COUPON TODAY AND SECURE YOUR SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE ( For more information simply attach business card — we 'll do the rest ) .
7 Within the first month of my being involved with the gay movement I met Angus , who became my lover then and remained my lover for ten years .
8 At the end of the case , if everything went well , a relieved John Maxwell would thank him profusely and hug his daughter for the television cameras .
9 He leaned forward and waved his cigar for emphasis .
10 I put the file down again and stroke my beard for comfort , the way Timmy used to stroke his little piece of blanket .
11 They could n't come to a decision so they put it to the vote when — as the book put it — a pair of bearded anarchists , one with flame red hair , appeared out of nowhere and took their decision for them , smashing down the gates with sledgehammers .
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