Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] that [pron] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For all that he could be expected to stay in the Lorrimores , car for at least fifteen more minutes I felt decidedly jittery , and I left the door open so that if he did come back unexpectedly I could say I was merely checking that everything was in order .
2 They asked him if they were making too much noise and he said no , not at all , he was just checking that everything was in order .
3 There is a real sense of achievement when everything has been ticked off and we can rest easy knowing that everything is under control .
4 There should be such a requirement in Britain , instead of just relying that we are about these orders er on the o o on the er auditors er them that that that the the themselves .
5 And the finest part of the arrangement is this , that the members of this money aristocracy can take the shortest road through the middle of all the labouring districts to their places of business without ever seeing that they are in the midst of the grimy misery that lurks to the right and the left .
6 Please send contributions direct to the office at Epsom , clearly stating that they are for this fund .
7 Maggie questioned , now knowing that they were in one of the guest bedrooms .
8 The court was told that he had killed the girl after taking part in sex play with her and then discovering that she was under age .
9 Avoiding long-drawn-out negotiations and yet ensuring that everyone is in the know is part of the task of governors .
10 Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) in late August 1989 visited prisons at the request of the government , which claimed that organizations such as the permanent human rights commission ( CPDH ) and the support group for families of political prisoners were falsely estimating that there were between 6,000 and 7,000 inmates .
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