Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [adv] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Last year I had a number of problems after perhaps rising too quickly in 1991 , ’ added Rickardsson , runner-up in the world final two years ago .
2 In the real universe , however , the galaxies are not just moving directly away from each other — they also have small sideways velocities .
3 As the country with most influence over North Korea , China is already talking more toughly in private than in public .
4 It is certain Farr-Jones is already talking too fast for many in the game .
5 Hold this position for 25 counts — just stretching forwards gently with each count without straining .
6 Grateful to the minister for that reply but would he not agree with me that where local authorities erm local chambers of commerce and trades councils er and his own department of employment , are already working well together with good small initiatives , to put upon them English Estates , TECs , British coal enterprise er is in fact to do precisely what he does not advocate to make a mushrooming of bureaucracy and will he not undertake to evaluate these initiative to see if they really do work or whether they 're just providing jobs for the boys .
7 They showed that such models could start with a big bang , even though the galaxies were no longer always moving directly away from each other , but they claimed that this was still only possible in certain exceptional models in which the galaxies were all moving in just the right way .
8 ‘ I never heard of a transmat with a range of more than a few thousand kilometres , so I 'd say we 're probably going somewhere else on this planet . ’
9 The prahu 's very short timbers — designed to give flexibility — were now moving so violently against each other that the water pouring between them required the hand-pumps being manned round the clock .
10 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
11 To have quoted a range of rates ( often varying quite widely around these typical figures ) would of course have been more comprehensive , but less helpful because of the way that the extremes of the ranges would have blurred the comparison between types .
12 This band is currently contracting even further in European societies .
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