Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just as change has to be acceptable if there is to be success in implementing it , so training for management has to be acceptable .
2 Most support for people who can not manage daily living without help comes from families , friends and neighbours rather than from the various formal services .
3 There will be much looking at books to hunt for pictures to identify objects on the nature table and to help with model-making .
4 Heavy going at Heathfield made for some slow times at the South Down & Eridge , where Chris Gordon scored a double for the second successive Saturday on Kirstenson and Please Explain .
5 Previously it caused serious environmental problems , with odour , leaching of nitrates , and water pollution all emanating from stocks held for manure .
6 That would give him a chance to reduce tax on lower incomes , which are so discouraging to people caught in the poverty trap .
7 Our current cultural experience has revealed that the premise of a grand historical narrative presenting a unified cultural progression centred on interests that are male and European , and only dealing with activities engaged in by the minority in social and political control , can no longer compel our assent .
8 We do not see our role as merely responding to proposals produced by others for reform of the law , although this is inevitably a major part of our work .
9 It was not until the Metropolitan Railway was linked to this line at Paddington , thus enabling through trains to run to the City .
10 Police are already hunting for bodies working on the killer 's directions .
11 If the plug is pulled on the tour , there 'll be a scramble to replace the Boks … but I believe the RFU are already looking to France to step into the breach .
12 The sun was setting in a red blaze as we drove into the centre of Mexico City , the long geometrically laid-out streets already darkening into canyons filled with the lights of cars .
13 They were stationed at a poli number two police station , which was the custom house at the Ipswich docks , and they spent most of their time when they were off duty just lying on stretchers lying about , then of course evening time , when there was er more activity , course they came out and my word , if they told strikers they were not to go to this part of the town or road .
14 I beleive that you will take pity and come at once , Your loving son Michael I am just crying like anythinke Come at once never mind anything else I am utterly miserable
15 Yes but like the are just planning to affection based on mutual whatever it is
16 Agency director Michael McCarren said they were still looking for youngsters to cast in London shows .
17 Bell noted : ‘ We faced the same quandary clubs rapidly going through divisions encounter with their XV-a-side fixture list .
18 The government of Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in India maintained the previous low-profile response , with an expression of " deep sadness " on Jan. 17 coupled with calls for Iraq to begin an immediate withdrawal ; only the Communist Party ( Marxist ) took a firm line in denouncing " unjustified " US aggression , while still calling for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait .
19 The government banned the rally , fearing it would foment more Hindu-Muslim violence in a country still reeling from bloodshed ignited by the demolition .
20 In the Casualty Report page of Lloyd 's List , once overflowing with incident caused by the war , the section headed ‘ Iran-Iraq Conflict ’ which even in 1988 was confined to carryover items , progress reports on salvaged tankers , and so on was by 1989 almost empty .
21 ‘ They were always thinking of things to do with me .
22 Even Heather , the Gnome Sixer , who was usually bursting with things to say at Pow-wow , was too flabbergasted to utter a word .
23 Calendars , it seems , have almost become McGairy 's stock in trade for here as openers there are the original watercolours for Great Ayton and Saltburn Beach both selling at £160 to set alongside the sepia reproduction of Gunnerside and Staithes and Cowbar from the ICI Kennelix Oilfield Calendar , also of 1992 .
24 The company is also hoping for permission to develop on a nearby abbatoir site .
25 The WWF is also appealing to consumers to switch to less threatened species , such as coley , huss and herring , to help alleviate the pressure on cod and haddock .
26 They are also working on ways to turn off the gas supply in men who produce too much of it and , as a result , suffer from priapism — painful and embarrassing erections in the absence of sexual desire .
27 A further deposit of maps , plans and charts from Mr R. Quentin Stevenson , mainly consisting of material used by the Stevenson family in their civil engineering projects in Scotland , has added to the already significant number of maps from this source .
28 The programmers make changes , often relying on data gathered from debugging code built into the software at this point , and a new beta release is sent out to beta testers .
29 The Progress/400 Server is now shipping with tools to follow in three months .
30 This explicit relating of theory to practice is a feature which is all too often missing in texts written about language teaching .
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