Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] that [pers pn] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I only know that he drove a lorry . ’
2 I merely ask that you keep a sceptical , but open mind and ask for nothing more than that you check the figures given to you .
3 Well just say and just say that I had a bit of a ba an and I 'd like a check over that 's all just say that to them if you want alright ?
4 I just recall that I got a bit of a shock when I heard they found him on MOD property .
5 It 's being it is being prescribed t for huge numbers of people , it 's being promoted as a very safe drug , it 's a very profitable drug , and we already know that it causes a very large number of quite serious side effects .
6 It must be acknowledged that very few very old people any longer feel that they have a significant contribution to make to the knowledge and skills which the young need to manage daily life .
7 What is the largest single event of sheer naked coincidence , sheer unadulterated miraculous luck , that we are allowed to get away with in our theories , and still say that we have a satisfactory explanation of life ?
8 Top management must devote time to communications and also show that it has a real commitment to improving communications
9 And I also know that you spent a summer on rather a long walk .
10 They are too old to be worried about the physical changes that have taken place in them , but I also see that they share a certain self-regard , a comfort which — I hazard a speculation — is robbed from old people in our cities .
11 It therefore states that many British trade unionists now suggest that we need a new industrial relations institution where a wide agenda of issues can be discussed between managers and employee representatives that work company level .
12 I 've never measured how long they stay under water , but tourists walking along the path to the waterfall often report that they think a bird is drowning !
13 I 've spent the night thinking about everything that happened , and I now realise that I made a mistake about you being involved with Harry Martin . ’
14 Now imagine that we used a ridiculously heavy weight , so that it broke right through the canvas , leaving the dent in the stiff cloth but with nothing at its centre .
15 CAB advice workers , used to seeking a practical solution to clients ' problems , now find that they have a new role .
16 However , once again I strongly suggest that you grow a collection of wild flowers in your own garden rather than pick them from the countryside and assist in depleting the stocks !
17 The Northamptonshire relief group which has brought them here know that they have a reposibility to care for people likely to suffer seriously psycholical problems of witnessing the war .
18 Could it be that the friend is actually someone whom you recognize from a previous life , and that is why you immediately feel that you have a mutual link ?
19 I strongly recommend that you prepare a phased plan to reduce KMAG activities effective 1 January 1951 and after approval by Ambassador Muccio , submit it to the Department of Army .
20 We strongly recommend that you spend a week , or preferably two , preparing for your new regime .
22 The examples listed earlier suggest that it covers a vast variety of relations ; for example the relation between capitalists and workers is said to be one of oppression , while that between factions of the ruling class might be competition .
23 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
24 If you move to the US without a prearranged position , at least ensure that you have a place to stay for your first few months .
25 I fully accept that it requires a good school to achieve good examination results , especially in an inner-city area rather than in a well-favoured suburb .
26 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
27 ‘ We thought it was stupid for him to fly all the way back to the UK and then find that we had a problem with Jones , ’ said Lions ' manager Geoff Cooke .
28 If , after removing temptation , you find it too distressing , then admit that you have a problem and need help .
29 May I , through the pages of your fine Journal , categorically state that I remain a fervent supporter of English rugby and am particularly proud of the superb performance by the Stevens Team , who have just become World champions .
30 Fingerprint actually request that you supply a copy of your System , screen fonts and Aldus Prep to try to reduce the difficulties .
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