Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [Wh det] it [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't want the Russians on my track if they knew what I was looking for — just think what it would mean if it turned up now ?
2 We could do with some of it over here so try and be a bit more friendly , dear Buddy , just think what it would buy !
3 Tactics for outwitting the ticket office phone system and managing to get hold of tickets ( the consensus was use the Fax Method — if it helped us get a replay against Stuttgart , just think what it can do when you want a ticket for West Ham away on a Tuesday night in December )
4 ’ You know , ’ he went on , ’ I often wonder what it must have been like before people 's working lives began to be separated from their personal lives .
5 A good rule is to look at the shape and size of the flower before you press it , and then imagine what it will look like once it is flat .
6 A person does not buy the product but rather buy what it 'll do for him or her .
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