Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [that] [adj] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Remember that under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 the lessee is entitled to notice of the full name and address of the lessor , so ensure that this is given in your notice .
2 I do n't know mate , o I only know that that 's take us Ann and Paul and Ann and John and all them all doing all the others so
3 It is probably time that this was reconsidered ; in secondary schools it has led to absurdities like the daily dose , the thirty-five minute lesson , and the conviction that , though all subjects are theoretically equal ( hence the standard four period per week allocation ) some ( English and maths ) are more equal than others , and need a longer allocation .
4 Now assume that this is assuming they all voted .
5 Several expert committees now recommend that this is reduced to 30–35 per cent of the calorie intake .
6 thank you and it said there in apportionment , page one , five , three again , calculated from the date of legal completion to the end of the then current half year , will be collected on completion , please note that these are estimated only and will be retrospectively adjusted when audited accounts are available now we 've seen the reflection of that in practice this morning have n't we ?
7 ask each committee or team that meets regularly to calculate its running costs and then insist that these are halved .
8 Where there are several similar teams meeting separately for identical purposes publish the comparative costs of the respective meetings and again insist that these are halved
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