Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I saw Charlie suddenly jerk forward and vomit in the footballer 's lap , before collapsing backwards off his stool .
2 The person or creature is blocking your path , so walk up and speak with it .
3 There was a thing about Rick Holden on Sunday where he says that most of the players just sit around or go to the pub etc after training and on their days off .
4 She said , ‘ You just sit here and think about what you 've done .
5 ring my friend if it makes you feel alright it 's ace if you just sit down and listen to the old Beatles is n't it ? feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't be me love ca n't be me love
6 and it 's , and then you can book up and go and eat on the verandah or you can eat in one of the restaurants and just walk round and sit on the , any of the seats .
7 Just mill about and attack in a rabble when you feel like it . ’
8 Just Lie Back and Think of the Empire
9 We just give up and go through the motions and we let our negativity harden inside us .
10 So instead , what I do is just stand outside and look through the window .
11 Anyone is welcome to jump aboard and share petrol costs , or just meet up and continue to the ground together …
12 But Mother was rather poorly this morning , and I wondered if I might skip 2B English and just rush home and see to her a bit . ’
13 She said , ‘ Do n't worry just go ahead and think about it , and things will happen ’ .
14 ‘ All right , all right , no more life-stories please , just go up and speak to Tommy then , ’ Mrs Trotter said , sharply .
15 Just , just , just go home and go to bed .
16 ‘ When I was told to rest all week and just turn up and play on the Saturday , I felt sluggish and lethargic , so I make sure I do the required hours every week .
17 Just shut up and go to sleep . ’
18 People who normally work part-time and earn below the National Insurance earnings threshold pay no contributions and receive no contributory benefits .
19 Some prefer to have a regular time when they purposely sit down and talk about themselves , their feelings and their hurts .
20 If I 've a complicated feature to write , or a problem to solve , I usually duck out and go for a run .
21 An assistant warden and a field assistant also live here and work for the Trust .
22 Suddenly it was taking every atom of her will-power to stop that hand from doing what it longed to do — namely rise up and tangle with the silky black hair that curled so invitingly round Guido 's left ear .
23 ‘ The feeling was indescribable and nowadays when things do n't quite go as planned I often sit back and think of other jockeys who never had a Derby win and who , for the remainder of their careers , will be chasing this elusive rainbow .
24 The drivers , now cut up and veering to the Left , find voting for the party that has championed the self-employed harder to do .
25 Pigs often lie down and chew on nothing ; they may consume their food in ten minutes during the day .
26 of sand which finely blow away and collect in corners .
27 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
28 Now go home and rest for a while , Charlie .
29 He goes now turn round and go to sleep !
30 Now settle down and go to sleep .
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