Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] [pers pn] [vb mod] do " in BNC.

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1 This is actually one of the fas , most fascinating programmes that comes on cos you get all these just look what we can do here , you know , and all American adverts .
2 ‘ I think you already know what you should do . ’
3 Tactics for outwitting the ticket office phone system and managing to get hold of tickets ( the consensus was use the Fax Method — if it helped us get a replay against Stuttgart , just think what it can do when you want a ticket for West Ham away on a Tuesday night in December )
4 Please , just promise me you 'll do it . ’
5 I always know what you 'd do .
6 Such horses are hopeless at dressage , because they always decide what we should do before we ask them .
7 ‘ I 've no wish to sound insulting , ’ Geoffrey said , ‘ but I hardly think anything you could do would upset Meredith . ’
8 ‘ I hardly see what I can do , but come if you want to , ’ she agreed .
9 ‘ I sometimes wonder what you 'd do without the stupid machine .
10 … has a perfectly secure right if he thinks St to wait until his contract is determined , to take his redundancy payment , and then see what he can do in regard to finding other employment .
11 Then see what you can do to change the circumstances of the situation .
12 If your insulation is reasonable , and heat loss and energy conservation not therefore serious considerations , or if the window is more useful for its light than its view , or the view needs disguising , then see what you can do with the frames .
13 A person does not buy the product but rather buy what it 'll do for him or her .
14 Definitely know what I 'd do .
15 well I mean you know , you know what children are , you never know what they might do
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