Example sentences of "[adv] [det] i [vb base] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There 's so much I want to share with you , min kaere : so much I want to show you , and not only in bed … ’
2 So that perhaps all I have done in twenty-five years is to find out something which I have known all the time .
3 So far all I 've heard from you is bleating about Maria Luisa 's feelings ; well , I care about Steve 's — ’
4 Arriving early for a night session is a good idea for several reasons , not least those I have mentioned about having plenty of time to tackle up in daylight , bait the swim , and settle in comfortably .
5 That 's actually all I want to say about the flipchart unless anybody 's any other comments I mean Jeff 's you 've obviously got a lot of experience in a do you feel there 's any anything further than that I know I 've covered it very briefly .
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