Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as [adj] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 However , as we show in chapter 7 , section 7.3 , the private renting of housing is no longer nearly as important as it once was ; owner-occupancy and council renting are now the most significant forms of housing available .
2 I suspect , indeed , that the whole process of evolution , from remote resemblance to near perfect mimicry , has gone on , rather rapidly , many times over in different insect groups , during the whole long period that bird vision has been just about as good as it is today .
3 This was just about as bad as it could possibly get .
4 In theory the dazzle explanation makes sense , because the zebra patterning is just about as vivid as it can be , when seen at close quarters , but once again the facts do not support this idea in practice .
5 Elijah Moshinsky directs with a light touch ( though not always quite as light as it should be ) , and Saul Radomsky 's tongue-in-cheek sets are a constant source of pleasure .
6 Unemployment is rising in every European country except Spain , where it is nearly twice as high as it is here , and in every European Free Trade Association country , and in every G7 country it is higher than it was a year ago .
7 Our experience of MCI Communications Corp 's MCI Mail service makes us feel that it has a quite impressively user friendly interface , whereas we find it difficult to believe that British Telecommunications Plc 's Dialcom — or good ol' Telecom Gold — is really quite as user-hostile as it appears , so having hit a snag in MCI and keyed ‘ help ’ at the prompt , and got a couple of screens of useful information ending with two phone numbers and a further option to key at the prompt , we wondered what Gold came up with if you keyed ‘ help ’ — here is the answer — Top-level directory not found or inaccessible .
8 Such heat fluxes are important in at least two major respects : first , without them , the annually averaged pole-to-Equator temperature difference for the present climate would be about twice as great as it is .
9 It may however be noted that the immunity against judicial interrogation is no longer as complete as it was , for the abolition by the Criminal Evidence Act 1898 of the rule that an accused was not even a competent witness at his own trial opened up the possibility that if he did give evidence he would expose himself to questioning by counsel for the prosecution and in appropriate circumstances by the judge himself ; and his privilege against self-incrimination whilst giving evidence was expressly removed by section 1 ( e ) of the Act of 1898 .
10 My point is that I see nothing in the Gracious Speech to enable me to counter the opinions expressed by our European partners who are still proud to know us but bemused that we have a Britain which in their eyes is no longer as great as it was .
11 The birthplace of the industrial revolution is no longer as dominant as it once was .
12 There was nothing shabby or worn about the close-fitting blue coat or the buckskin breeches ; and the starched neckcloth — no longer as neat as it might have been — and the ruffles to his shirt-sleeves were of the finest linen .
13 Once the field-worker was categorized as conforming to their typification of a ‘ good ’ Catholic ( the meaning of which we will outline elsewhere ) , then her religion was no longer as important as it appears at first sight , although the extent to which it had a residual effect is impossible to estimate .
14 As the pound slumped it fell below its ‘ effective ’ floor set by its relationship with the peseta but dealers say that the peseta constraint is no longer as important as it was once thought to be .
15 This may reflect the fact that society has changed since the early days of sociology , and religion and its associated values , emotions and beliefs is no longer as important as it used to be .
16 I 'm afraid that STG is no longer as reliable as it was in my grandfather 's day .
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