Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was doing all right as a nursing orderly in a geriatric hospital — one of her favourite ‘ legitimate ’ jobs as it gave her easy access to sleeping pills and downers .
2 John Sinclair , who runs Cliveden so successfully as a luxury hotel , and his attractive wife , guests went in to dinner in the dining-rooms .
3 And for their inspirational captain and star batsman to see himself so early as a lonely figure of torment , when England will need his strengths in the weeks to come , does not bode well .
4 The very unfamiliarity , now , of the language and concepts of Christianity makes it possible to present these anew both as a moral ideal and an attitude to humanity and the capacities of humanity .
5 Vegetable lasagne or cannelloni are sometimes offered and would do especially well as a main course choice .
6 I shall tear out your soul , and carry it away to the Prison of Hostages , and then perhaps the Conablaiche will come to tear out your heart , for there is nothing my Master likes so well as a warm heart , a Mortal heart , still beating , fresh and running with blood and juices …
7 These systems use two endocardial defibrillator coils placed transvenously either as a single lead ( 12F ) or two separate leads .
8 It appears the naughty boys were in the altogether just as a primary school field trip walked past .
9 Baldwin was uneasy about the reaction to the so-called pact , and became more so as a violent storm of influential criticism burst over his head , The editor of The Times , most of the bishops ( even Lang of Canterbury ) , and the whole of the liberal establishment were horrified at the sell-out .
10 Not many growers offer them any longer as a separate classification , and there is a general tendency to lump a few — if any — with others in a rather cursory grouping as Old roses .
11 The dark area in the top right of Figure 5.20(a) is seen more clearly as a bright region on Figure 5.20(b) .
12 However , it occurs more frequently as a clinical problem in some warmer areas such as Mediterranean countries , the Middle East and India .
13 Here , to differ is the equivalent of to be different , that is to say , the infinitive expresses its event as a state , more precisely as a resulting state , in this type of use .
14 He turned on his side and clasped her more tightly as a new wave of passion stirred him .
15 More people had come in , well-dressed men and women , shedding vast overcoats , ordering wine , food , lighting cigars … a violinist , young , blonde , blue eyed , dressed improbably as a gipsy woman was playing a tzigane , accompanied by a pianist dressed even more improbably as a gipsy man .
16 In the second-half the Dragons had a strong wind at their backs and almost made good use of it straight away as a long ball found McClean and his shot was pushed round by Westwood .
17 The polymer treatment might be used straight away as a daily mouthwash for mentally handicapped people to stop plaque sticking to teeth .
18 This might well have been followed by Salt 111 discussions in which various new measures could have been put on the disarmament agenda — British and French strategic weapons , American F-111 bombers in Europe-as well as a continued ban on the deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles by both sides .
19 We saw this one item almost as a totemic object , tabooed for our clan , and filled with a spirit of otherness .
20 You can also make a gorgeous looped and fringed edge simply by knitting lots more rows between picking up the stitches to make loops at least en centimetres deep ( four inches ) — or even longer as a tremendous finish for shawls and stoles , or for the edges of collars and cuffs and jackets .
21 In June 1963 , Khomeini denounced the Shah particularly harshly as a Zionist agent , and was arrested .
22 It is ironic that the right hon. Member for Finchley was pitched out of office a year ago today as a direct consequence of that ’ no , no , no ’ with which she infuriated the right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) .
23 It was apparent to me , even then as a young officer , that what was missing in this sorry scene was any commitment to the task on the part of those who had to execute it .
24 It was becoming the rule not the exception that launches did not go right first time , but BBC2 settled down quite quickly as a recognized minority channel .
25 We are clearly acquiring Panadol at least partly as a cultural artefact on the understanding that its chemical infrastructure and therefore its potency is ephemeral .
26 Law and order became increasingly to be used as symbol for the moral and economic decay of the country and this was reinforced by the use of the latent racism of the working class in the publicity given to muggers which was presented at least implicitly as a black crime ( see Hall et al .
27 Permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term .
28 If she is very apprehensive about how she is going to manage her role in society as a woman on her own , you could remind her of something she has probably completely forgotten : that she coped with life quite adequately as a single woman , before she met her husband , so there is no reason to suppose that she can not do so again , and possibly even better now because of the love they shared and her greater maturity .
29 Knowing that missionaries were liable to be stranded in such places for long periods , and that they were not without their temptations , he had the idea of setting up libraries there too as a wholesome diversion .
30 In all of these activities the Faculty and the Institute , although constituted as independent professional bodies , will be working closely together as a single profession .
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