Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] they [vb mod] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The wind was strong from them to me so eventually they would scent me when they 'd passed downhill .
2 I mean , it needs to perhaps perhaps they can do something for the first couple
3 If you have read your books you will discover that the Romans used to have tasters too and loved food so much they 'd make themselves sick after each course by sticking a feather down their throats .
4 I conclude that they have done so much and so well they will find it hard to let go those duties .
5 Well they must have been just well they must have I did n't see them
6 Thus large firms employ twice as many graduates , but perhaps more importantly they can take their pick of the best graduates from the best universities .
7 Once more they could reveal themselves to each other — not just physically , because with every gesture she made she knew she would reveal the one thing he must never know — the fact that she loved him .
8 Once again they will tell you precisely what you 've got ta do on the er training course .
9 Yeah but probably now they 'd call it hyperactivity .
10 Now sometimes they might give it you as sixteen to the three quarters and you can sort of read that off , What am I doing here ?
11 Well hopefully they 'll pass them round the table .
12 Well then they 'll tell me wo n't they ?
13 well maybe they 'll expand it
14 Well maybe they will follow their mother into chemistry or biochemistry too .
15 techno D's outside London and then , even then they could pushing it , I mean , they 're all their own mixes do all their own mixes and
16 Whether ther there 's a there 's a t two pronged effect the first of which is that high tariffs consumption because prices are higher and therefore consumption will fall and secondly , if high prices are also charged farmers to domestic farmers right then they 'll increase their output .
17 Most behaviour problems are triggered by situations where children have learned that if they try hard enough they can get their own way ( Bijou and Baer 1976 ) .
18 By asking certain questions , the counsellor can ask the counsellee to consider certain propositions , and then together they can examine their validity .
19 If the Israelis are adopting British holidays then perhaps they will adopt our democratic ways and no longer deport citizens without trial .
20 and then gradually they would give you a wee bit say maybe the legs or something to do a er polish you know show you how to start you know , how to rubber and how to fold your the cotton wool .
21 At least now they can get their act together .
22 It 's not fair if you said how , what you feel , then maybe they 'll change it but they 're not going to do anything without them knowing you , because they do n't know them until you 've told them do they ?
23 So it is no wonder that so many people go to ‘ sweaty Ecstasy raves ’ because at least there they can let themselves go .
24 Erm now we advise you to fill that in once you do return to work because at least then they can let you know if you are going to exceed the limit .
25 They lost at home again yesterday they shall find themselves some trouble if they do n't buck their ideas up whether they 're lacking or not
26 Sometimes they are perceived only by those in intimate contact , yet sometimes they can make everyone in a large crowd aware of individual feelings .
27 If they do n't hear anything else then they 'll regard it as a false alarm .
28 Well this was a Manpower Board that came round and they was inspecting erm what people were doing in the particular factory at and if they thought you 'd be more useful somewhere else then they 'd direct you to another factory .
29 At the very best they would dismiss her , as Miss Ernestine Baker had done , with an icy reminder that she must never expect to work in Frizingley again .
30 Given their commitment and dedication , very often they will prove themselves right , as our Fibres people showed us when they decided to change from a bulk to a speciality business , in the face of our scepticism .
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