Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] at a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These were the years of Stalin 's purges , and it was fortunate that he had spent so long away at a great distance .
2 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
3 ‘ No distraction ’ is always the priority , but more so at a large event .
4 It looked real enough at a quick glance , and the Crane Street area is not the most brilliantly lighted neighbourhood in town .
5 The rhythm of the cart , moving once more at a steady pace , rocked the kaleidoscope of memory .
6 The horse got the message.and set off once more at a lively gait .
7 The income is generally paid annually in arrears — this is the rate quoted in this article — although it can be paid more frequently at a lower rate .
8 The Jockey Club are to consider the the whip issue more fully at a Disciplinary Committee on September 8 .
9 This close association between war and revolution will need to be examined more fully at a later stage .
10 Now , once again at a safe height and with lots of forward speed , pull the stick back and , as the model passes through the vertical climb position , reduce the pitch to zero .
11 ‘ Coffee , ’ he replied , then , as she gave the order , leaned forward to look more closely at a framed photograph of a freckle-faced boy on her desk .
12 But the nuclear power-station operators in both Britain and abroad have also begun to look much more seriously at a clear alternative to reprocessing : the storage of the spent fuel until it can be directly disposed of in a special dump .
13 If terms like ‘ affective psychosis ’ , ‘ schizophrenia ’ and ‘ schizoaffective disorder ’ have a use , therefore , it is merely as labels of convenience , as shorthand descriptors of the flavour of a given individual 's form of insanity — and even then often only at a certain point in time and subject to qualifications as to the severity of disability .
14 The Government says that the work can be done just as efficiently at a bigger office in Wolverhampton , 50 miles away .
15 We must go into the reasons why we sometimes lose our lead [ in a technology ] and spend large sums of money on purchasing abroad equipment or technology which we are fully able to make for ourselves , often indeed at a higher quality level .
16 The only reason I can see that you need players in the first teams is to see if they are playing well enough at a high level .
17 A development of this has an inverted cone as a centre section , the water flowing down with heavy solids dropping to the bottom and then upwards at a controlled speed , so that falling lighter solids are balanced in the flow to form a " sludge blanket " , which acts as a buoyant filter catching very fine particles .
18 Throughout most of this period the focus has been on government records and then mainly at a national level , although in rare instances the issues have been addressed at a more local level .
19 Syndication of material can work quite well at a regional level , though even here blanket coverage can be a real waste .
20 It was barely three months after her arrival in the village when her life began to pitch over from an even keel , and it remained from then onwards at a pitched-over angle .
21 Eventually , then , I decided the best strategy would be simply to stride out of the room very suddenly at a furious pace .
22 put most simply , being at a loose end leads men to the vice of drunkenness and the crime of murder ; and the jobless Marmeladov and the ex-student Raskolnikov are both very pointedly at a loose end .
23 Nor did I look too closely at a scummy pool nearby , which rippled ominously .
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