Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] i " in BNC.

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1 Frankly , the general tone of your question is so selfish that it makes me a bit dubious about the prospects of your marriage .
2 The matches are made of a wood so flimsy that it reminds me of the balsa with which I tried , unsuccessfully , to build model aeroplanes .
3 Right , that 's as good as it gets I 'm afraid .
4 To me , in a book containing so many emotions , I find dialogue really important because it lets me know exactly how the character is feeling rather than leaving me to make my own assumptions which are often wrong .
5 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
6 The woman in the shop 's pretty friendly and she tells me what to do with the plants — you know , water them once a week , or keep them out of draughts and that .
7 The emotional ones are the most productive because it means I 'm usually to upset to try to rationalize or draw conclusions .
8 He 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums and helps me with my homework .
9 ‘ Dad 's very , very clever and he teaches me sums ’
10 I 'll explain the circumstances exactly , and I 'll make very sure that everyone believes me .
11 I find this mode of evaluation very important because it allows me to see how the child is thinking , and to what extent they are thinking about problems they are being presented with , whether it 's shallowly , or whether they are actually going into it in some depth .
12 I find it very depressing because it takes me away from the constructive side of the business and into being a sort of financial PR and being defensive .
13 ‘ But he wo n't be very pleased if he thinks I 've seen him lurking .
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