Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [pron] [vb mod] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was standing with his back to the fire , thinking how much less pleasant it would be in some seaside hotel or boarding house in the off-season .
2 It was only after I had mentioned Miss Kenton that I suddenly realized how entirely inappropriate it would be for me to continue .
3 The authors speculate that this may be because , with a centralised collective bargaining system which is fairly remote from the workers , ‘ the less conscious they will be of the gains achieved , and hence the less likely they are to be credited to union activity ’ ( p. 109 ) .
4 ‘ What makes you so sure they 'll be on this ferry , anyway ? ’
5 Although there will be little difference between what they cost new , a car registered in January 1992 is going to be more attractive to buyers than one which went on the road in December 1991 , so second-hand it will be worth about £200-£300 more .
6 It 's said they were so close she 'd be after coming over when he disappeared .
7 I was just glad I could be of help . ’
8 Anyway , the bigger the audience the more likely I can be in charge .
9 Nobody exactly dominated England 's middle order , so I 'm still confident he 'll be on the plane to India , and I would like to think that Nick Speak , Graham Lloyd and Peter Martin will be on the ‘ A ’ tour .
10 The more familiar you are with it , the more confident you will be about using it .
11 On the political side , Taiwanese worry that the more money they invest in China , the more vulnerable they will be to manipulation by the Chinese government .
12 The stronger , more definite and consistent it is , the more important it will be as a symptom of the case .
13 The more this principle is understood and the more firmly it is adhered to , whether in practical or in theoretical subjects , the more difficult it will be for a school to organize its teaching .
14 The more a government squawks about ‘ individual freedoms ’ , ‘ non-intervention by the state ’ , ‘ private enterprise ’ , and the other great rallying calls of capital , the more certain one can be of the total control by that state of its citizens .
15 The longer we delay the worse it will become and the more expensive it will be to the nation at large . ’
16 It may be argued that the longer people search for jobs , the more satisfied they will be with their eventual choices .
17 Think how much more appreciative he will be of your place within it when you are suitably arrayed to complement him . ’
18 Above are Steve Restarick ( left ) and Wayne Hannigan , both ex-Wivenhoe who should be in action for Chelmsford while Christian McClean ( below , left ) has moved in the opposite direction .
19 If the news was really unexpected she would be off balance and it is at such times that people are most likely to speak the truth .
20 BORINGLY familiar it may be as a measure the rise in the price of cigarettes in the latest budget gives me open , honest pleasure , though its smallness causes me disappointment .
21 Well unacceptable it may be in your present state of mind , but
22 Whatever other reasons may have existed — and however unpleasant it may be to be reminded of it — this is the same reason used in Germany in the 1930s .
23 Whatever our misgivings about the story 's historicity ( and we make a grave and fundamental error if we think the value of a passage like this is measured by the extent of its historicity ) , and however confident we might be about its origins , it asks and surely deserves to be taken on the storyteller 's own terms .
24 It is there , and it will not go away , however hard the authors of the Gospels have tried to disguise it — and however embarrassing it may be for later Christian tradition .
25 The ability of the politician to provide patronage , of whatever nature , was never more than a tool of management , and however useful it might be to the man who could supply it , patronage in itself did not remove the need for active and continuous management of the voters included within the interest .
26 The fact is we remain an island power and can not ignore the sea however close we may be to the Continent .
27 This especially applies to steep banks , where , if the rise is too high it will be like climbing a ladder .
28 ‘ I was thinking how very unpleasant it must be to be shot . ’
29 ‘ How very predictable you can be at times . ’
30 If the job is very important it may be worth the cost of sending some one whose work you know well to cover the assignment .
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