Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun] [be] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A less common pattern is for teachers to combine classes and teach together ( ‘ team teaching ’ ) , usually for particular subjects or in open-plan primary schools .
2 The most compelling numbers are for CO 2 emissions .
3 The Gulf conflict is a messy , complex affair , to which the most natural response is for people to shake their heads and confess to not knowing the answers .
4 Berisha told reporters that he had informed Genscher that Albania 's most urgent needs were for aid for agriculture and for help in solving transport problems .
5 If married persons sterilized for non-contraceptive reasons are included , the proportion of the subfecund rises to 25 per cent ( most non-contraceptive sterilizations are for conditions which would themselves cause sterility : McFalls and McFalls 1984 ) .
6 A hand , or Aldis , lamp for signalling in Morse code was found unsatisfactory ; a more efficient method was for tank to signal to tank , or to the supporting infantry , by means of discs of different colour .
7 The fertility counsellor 's main role is to help clients explore the complex issues surrounding possible treatments ; the most important criteria is for patients and clients to be able to make an informed decision about whether to undergo treatment .
8 In retrospect she says the most important thing is for parents to build in some kind of motivation or prospect that means something to their offspring .
9 Royal College of Nursing spokesman Jamie Fleming said : ‘ The most important thing is for nurses to have an effective complaints procedure .
10 A fairly common mistake is for people to retire to a place where they once spent an idyllic holiday , perhaps 15 or 20 years previously , with only a minimum of further investigation .
11 The next most common request was for training in County Court preparation , tribunals and employment issues .
12 One way of evading restrictions was to find sinecure posts for good players ; one man was given the job of checking the advertising posters for the club , though the most common trick was for club directors , who were often substantial employers , to find part-time or simply bogus jobs for which payment was made .
13 As TV has become more important , and agency working methods have evolved , the most common arrangement is for agency creative people to work in ‘ teams ’ .
14 Any one system may be used for several different purposes but the most common use was for outreach work .
15 In most instances these special schools for visually handicapped pupils are for children of primary school age or for the full school age-range and they have in general terms a regional catchment .
16 Furnas insisted that the most recent stoppage was for routine maintenance until Greenpeace made public information about the incident that it had received from a worker at the plant , later confirmed by the Brazilian nuclear energy commission .
17 But Walahfrid 's most earnest request was for patronage ; and Judith had enough political sense ( a clever critic was the very man to disarm ) and sympathy for a fellow-provincial to offer Walahfrid the post of tutor to Charles .
18 Since these races are only separable in summer plumage most sub-specific records are for April and May , and the extent to which either race occurs in winter is unknown .
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