Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] those [Wh pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , the information is limited in that it tells us only about those who have died .
2 Fundamental to everything was the bitter experience of Japanese colonialism and the determination to eliminate the legacy of that experience together with those who had collaborated with the Japanese .
3 The less fortunate , together with those who had arrived first at the Laboratory that morning and all the senior scientists , had been told they must await the arrival of the team from Scotland Yard .
4 Also , various children deemed unsuitable for fostering — because of behaviour problems or physical handicaps , for example , or because there are strong ties with the natural parents — can be accommodated , together with those who have had a foster placement breakdown .
5 This part suggests some ways of designing your own printed circuit board artwork , which will appeal especially to those who have invested in the necessary equipment to fabricate boards with the ultra-violet method .
6 The term " senior dealer " was generally understood to apply only to those who had achieved certain levels of business which would usually take at least three months .
7 The second problem on the minds of Germans is the perceived invasion of their country by foreigners , especially by those who have arrived as a result of the liberal asylum laws .
8 For it turned out that Pound 's poetry — The Cantos certainly but much of the earlier work also — could be understood and enjoyed only by those who had attended to Pound s criticism enough to grasp what it was that Pound was trying to do , or conceived himself to be doing , in his poetry .
9 People usually ‘ get on ’ best with those who have shared the same experiences .
10 Even the manuals have been taken away by those who have found jobs in Iran and elsewhere .
11 When you have shared something like that , you want to find out a little more about those who have shared it with you .
12 Separate figures must be available for information not only for those selling and serving , but also for those who have prepared for ages beforehand in greenhouse and kitchen , in Davidson Room and Undercroft cupboard , and out at Currie where philately rules for a considerable time .
13 The first is that the principal postwar task will be the search for peace , an idea which will naturally commend itself both to those who have taken part in the war , and to those who have not .
14 Indeed , the bitterness of separation was more terrible than before for those who had lost the belief that an afterlife would bring reunion in happiness .
15 We turn now to those who have had this specific concern .
16 These incentives consist simply of private goods , benefits which can be restricted solely to those who have joined the group and denied to non-members .
17 Our data were subject to several constraints : a far lower response rate from probation officers in the second survey ; the effects of changes in agency policies and practices during the two survey years ( e.g. medics ' notifying practices , police detection efforts/successes ) ; the ‘ loss ’ of some users identified in the first survey , and of some new users , to institutions and agencies not covered by the research ( e.g. custody , rehabilitation units , drug agencies in adjacent areas ) ; disillusionment with some agencies among heroin users ( particularly medical services ) , which may have produced a higher ratio of unknown to known users than in the previous year ; the optimistic assumption of 20 per cent annual outcidence-for instance , one review of follow-up studies of opioid users suggests that outcidence after one year is typically around 10 per cent , and may only reach 40–50 per cent after ten years , even for those who have received ‘ treatment ’ ( Home Office 1986 , ch. 7 ) ; and the decline in the size of the youth population , due largely to the drop in the birth rate during the 1960s-that is , the absolute number of known heroin users could decrease while the rate per 1,000 youths remained the same or even increased ( the population figures from which our prevalence rates were calculated derived from 1981 Census statistics , and do not take into account projected trends ) .
18 ‘ Naga ’ means ‘ wise serpent ’ , the title given long ago to those who had acquired great wisdom .
19 But this time it had a note of desperation which rendered it almost novel even to those who had heard it so often .
20 Arguably , she is already on the screen so much that further appearances only supplement the passionate irritation which she provokes even among those who have voted for her .
21 It is quite remarkable how the denial of death , and the denial of the secret wishes for the death of others , persists even among those who have read Freud and have been analysed .
22 Their millions of compatriots follow the details on West German television , day by day , while the domestic media have confined their reports to abuse against the authorities in Bonn , and sometimes against those who have left .
23 Some of the points that have been made consistently by those who have produced excellent food at their parties are :
24 Yet for those who have cared for mentally handicapped children and seen them develop , must come doubts as to whether Peter Nichols , or Paula Milne , ever really gave their children a chance .
25 Yet as those who have had families know , raising any children is an activity which causes considerable problems , and given the full support of social services , short term care and essential back-up facilities services , most parents are able to cope and derive considerable fulfilment from their achievements .
26 Accordingly of those who have increased spend on one particular area in the past year advertising has accounted for the lion 's share of growth .
27 His claim of 75,000 members in September 1890 was reduced to 40,000 at the end of the year , with 60,000 in " financial " membership , i.e. including those who had paid entrance fees .
28 This came primarily from those who had adopted what Keeble called the restructuring hypothesis ( section 2.4.1 ) .
29 With such a low response , however , it was necessary to select some of the non-respondents in order to find out why they had not completed and returned the questionnaire , and whether their views and experiences of the Oxfordshire scheme differed significantly from those who had responded .
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