Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] if [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He thought of the cabin up the creek to which his sister had withdrawn at his urging , and he turned to find the track , willing himself to control his horror , to keep moving nimbly and stealthily as if he did not feel unstrung .
2 They looked rather as if they had just raided an old clothes shop , few of the items of their clothing being a match , and for the most part , fitting only where they touched .
3 ‘ But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
4 First let her fear build up : let her come to believe that this prize , this catch of the season , would leave her not only as if she had never met him but somehow spoiled .
5 He shook his head doubtfully as if he did not believe me but did n't want to be harsh about saying so .
6 He held out the clipboard impatiently as if she quibbled over a minor detail .
7 In other words , in those studies where children heard both more and less in the same trials or same sessions , and where there were more than two responses possible , they showed no evidence of treating less as if it meant more .
8 ‘ That 's the image you project on stage , ’ he continued mildly as if she had n't spoken .
9 You 're going to get more , it 's just as if we had just the big pipe from the
10 Then the sum assured is payable , just as if he had actually had died .
11 He had lived in Normandy for seven months , he had learned the French language and come to love the French countryside , yet now , just as if he had never met Lucille , he spoke of the french as a hated enemy .
12 Claire sat down , as they had done so many times together , and the years fell away as if they had never been apart and she had never married .
13 The whole Home Rule movement , with roots going far back into the past , melted quietly away as if it had never been .
14 She felt as guilty about running away as if she had just robbed a lame beggar of his last groat .
15 His eyebrows looked permanently as if they had just shot up .
16 If the representation has been made fraudulently or recklessly ( not caring whether or not it is true ) , then at common law the remedy of rescission is available ( setting the contract aside as if it had never been made at all ) , together with a right to recover any money laid out .
17 ‘ Oh , really ? ’ she uttered smugly as if it did n't matter at all .
18 There are complaints that , while one day Cruickshank will address you by your first name , the next day ‘ he 'll walk past as if he 'd never met you ’ .
19 Steve asked reproachfully as if he did n't want to get blamed if it had n't .
20 And although we often hear about different jobs being of different sorts of status , they 're on a ladder of status , its for unemployed people the situation is very often as if you 've actually been kicked off this ladder and this is what people say when they describe being unemployed as being on the scrap heap and so on , it 's as if you 've been expelled from this particular world where erm people respect you for having a job and know that you 're contributing .
21 His hair was untidy ; his long thin hands hung below the leather-bound sleeves of the green corduroy jacket , dangling awkwardly as if he did n't know what to do with them .
22 Charlie Singer appeared in front of the hotel and went towards the railway station , moving fast as if it had suddenly started to rain .
23 We resumed conversation almost as if we had never left off .
24 It 's almost as if we think subconsciously well we 've got that little bit extra , let's go for it .
25 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
26 She stopped abruptly , almost as if she had metaphorically clapped a hand over her mouth .
27 He was evasive about Rob too ; almost as if he had n't wanted to talk about him .
28 But , almost as if he had n't heard her , Luke 's voice carried on .
29 Wishart was waiting for him , sitting behind his long , polished table almost as if he had not moved since Corbett saw him last .
30 Rebecque , staying close to his master , gravely inspected one of the cannon almost as if he had never seen such an object before , then , suddenly afflicted by hay fever , he sneezed .
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