Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Class remains synonymous with organized labour , regardless of the fact that in the context of local authorities organized labour is not always very radical .
2 But I can see circumstances in which a patient is unwilling to have certain procedures carried out and says so under the impression that in any event the emergency which would bring those procedures into play will not happen .
3 I shall proceed to describe some of them , prefacing the list only with the warning that for the more attractive of them there is , of course , considerable competition .
4 Perhaps this was why , uncharacteristically , he burst out aloud with the thought that at last chased the nursery rhyme momentarily from his mind .
5 The twin starting points for this view are the widespread injustice and oppression which exist today in Latin America and which are then analysed sociologically with a Marxist framework , together with the fact that in the Incarnation God has declared his intention to liberate all people from every kind of slavery and injustice .
6 It seeks only to open up the lines of enquiry sketched out here ; and it does so in the hope that by bringing them into the debate , it may contribute towards a fuller and more objective assessment of Mary 's reign — and Mary 's misfortunes .
7 With some reluctance Ben had agreed , but only on the understanding that outside the classroom the teacher was not to speak without his express permission .
8 Our committee , dominated by batsmen and wicketkeepers unfortunately , think that the sightscreens are a Good Thing , but there are also those of us whose playing career is prolonged only by the knowledge that with village pitches the state they are , even a bad player can hope to strike lucky now and again .
9 A glance at the latest list published in Fortune magazine shows it to be not just silly but ludicrous : the list purports to show only US industrial companies — but it classifies AT&T Co as a service company and eliminates it altogether despite the fact that with NCR Corp added in , AT&T 's non-service businesses alone would give the firm a ranking in the 50s .
10 In my view , however , the effect of section 38 ( a ) is not to vest title in the trustee retrospectively in the sense that under the Act he is deemed to have had title at the commencement of the bankruptcy ; the effect of section 38 ( a ) is to vest in the trustee , when adjudication occurs , title to property which is identified by reference to the property which belonged to the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy .
11 Aside from the worthlessness of double negatives , aside from the fact that McGuinness was a far more accomplished safe-breaker than Meehan ( he had earned his nickname Tank because it was said he could penetrate even one of those ) , and aside from the fact that in all the verbiage spilled out by Meehan , Waddell and McGuinness to lawyers , journalists and others for over thirteen years , none of them had so much as hinted at the idea of a quartet , there was not a scrap of worthwhile evidence to support it : it was speculation with a vengeance and extraordinary to find in a report by a judge of his standing .
12 the Chi the Chinese empire is , is actually growing but possibly in the sense that within Chinese territory marginal land that has n't previously been used for agriculture is being brought into use .
13 The luckless eight-year-old hit the fence so close to the ground that at least a somersault was inevitable .
14 The master took the opportunity to complain further to the Board that on several occasions he had drawn the medical officer 's attention to an inmate , William Sabey , who was at times a danger to others and had attempted to stab the labour master .
15 She did not know as she smiled innocently at the flowers that behind the cigarette smoke was the cause of future sorrow in her life .
16 There is truth in that , also in the proposition that in Western culture the ‘ tragic vision ’ has been one of the most powerful means of containing and sublimating desire .
17 This is evident not only from the fact that the jurisdiction of the Legal Services Ombudsman under sections 21 to 26 of the Act stops at the moment when a complaint enters into the jurisdiction of a disciplinary tribunal : section 22(7) , but also from the fact that in section 27(3) Parliament refers to the process by which a barrister may be disbarred or temporarily suspended from practice by order of an Inn of Court without any hint that it disapproves or wishes to alter in any way the manner in which for centuries the Inns have made orders for disbarment subject to the visitorial jurisdiction of the judges .
18 I think that that case is distinguishable from this on that ground , and also on the ground that in my view none of the statements in the leaflet in this case actually impute corruption .
19 The principle of identity in Hinduism , Tillich maintains , finds expression in the prohibition of the killing of animals , which he relates also to the belief that in order to fulfil his karma a man may find himself reincarnated in animal form .
20 First , there was the simple fact of depopulation which diminished the general size of the market and the level of demand for indigenous manufactures , and no doubt thereby arrested the economic development of the whole region ; second , the depopulation affected agriculture , reducing some previous food exporting regions to starvation levels by the nineteenth century ; third , African production of cloth , metalware and other handicrafts was severely affected , not only by the loss of so many of its producers , but also by the fact that in return the slave traders penetrated the markets of the coast and hinterland with European cotton and manufactured goods ; and fourth , as the demand for slaves multiplied and as many African kings and merchants became even more dependent on European trade , war raids for the capture of potential slaves from neighbouring societies became even more frequent , injecting political instability , consuming precious economic resources , and creating a vicious spiral in which rival kingdoms became ever more dependent on the slave trade to acquire the fire arms necessary for capturing more slaves and in turn defending their slaves against slave-hunting raids from neighbouring kingdoms ( Rodney , 1972 , pp. 104–23 ; Davidson , 1974 , pp. 206 — 10 ; Inikoria , 1982 ) .
21 This is so far from the truth that on the whole , for those really attending to education , the notion of innate given individuality has remained the stronger .
22 Again , we assert it since we accept ( i ) an independent nomic conditional roughly to the effect that in the world as it is , and within certain large limits as it might be , if it is raining and certain other things are the case , then the balcony is wet , and we also accept ( ii ) that those other things are the case .
23 In these early years the Reich Treasury was unwilling to offer any subsidy to the Danzig Party , presumably on the grounds that with such poor leadership it would be money wasted .
24 The distinctive features of railway activities affect organization and management-workforce relations independently of the fact that in most countries of the world the major railway networks are owned and run by the state , and everywhere without exception they are subject to close state regulation .
25 Mathematics or Language or Science programmes for young children must be accompanied by suggestions for the use of ‘ waste ’ materials such as cartons , empty milk tins , bottles and bottle tops even in the knowledge that in many areas these are impossible to come by or that articles such as tins or bottles when in very short supply acquire a cash value in communities .
26 I 'm going to introduce this abbreviated momentictiture here in the hope that during the course of the lecture I 'll be able to add comments about which of these factors lead to which of these results .
27 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
28 Gabriel obeyed at once , and while riding along was thinking so hard about the shooting that in the darkness he failed to notice a man walking along the road to Casterbridge .
29 Lynda says that she did think long and hard about changing careers — not least about the fact that as a Stoy 's partner she could soon be drawing a six figure profit share , compared to the substantially lower salary she would get at C&R .
30 He saw that Lewis would not re-enter Christianity by a new door but by the old one : at least in the sense that in taking it up again he would also take up again or reawaken the prejudices so sedulously planted in childhood and boyhood .
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