Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the [noun pl] [v-ing] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
2 pointed out ) an effective police force requires a margin of reserve strength in order to deal with emergencies , and to employ that margin of reserve , when not otherwise required , on special police service for payment is to the advantage both of the persons utilising their services and of the public who are thereby relieved from some part of the police charges .
3 ‘ Were the French envoys an exception , particularly in the days preceding his death ? ’
4 You can hasten this recovery process by relaxing , resting and eating well in the days following your run .
5 It is to the Annales school , and more particularly to the assumptions governing their work , that I therefore turn , aiming to show how they have successfully applied the precepts of concessive holism to a wide range of subject , and in this way to suggest how the idea that holist explanations answer to a certain interest can be developed and defended .
6 What is significant for understanding why to is used with the infinitive of reaction is that the notion of " evaluation " implies a judgement as to whether the event was opportune or not , and this judgement involves an implicit reference to the situation as it existed before the infinitive event occurred , i.e. to the factors making its occurrence either opportune or inopportune .
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