Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [num ord] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So after next Thursday 's lecture , twenty eighth , at three o'clock .
2 Hayling would take over as managing editor until somebody else could be found — he 'd done well enough on last year 's dummy .
3 Morrissey 's goal was his third of the season leaving him halfway to last season 's tally of six .
4 Very few people are surprised by the merger , but many were taken aback that it happened so soon after last year 's franchise battle .
5 Make a date with the BBC Good Food calendar , which we are giving away in next month 's issue .
6 The giant Widnes forward was told to retire just before last month 's Silk Cut Challenge Cup final because of a neck injury .
7 SCREEN legend Audrey Hepburn left hospital yesterday after last week 's operation to remove a tumour from her colon .
8 THE POUND won some respite yesterday from last week 's onslaught partly due to confirmation that retail sales were subdued last month and as fears of an imminent rise in base rates faded .
9 MPs were taken by surprise when Labour managed to secure an emergency debate yesterday on last week 's announcement that a defeat on the social chapter would not prevent ratification of the treaty .
10 Further to last week 's revelation that Mr Phillip Schofield , the televisionist , was espied taking a walk with an ‘ amazing dreamgirl ’ , it appears that his ‘ chum ’ , Mr Jason Donovan , the out-and-out all-round entertainer , has been squiring a Miss Narelle Curtis , an Antipodean mannequin .
12 Also in last week 's issue , Class and coworkers interpret radiogenic isotope date from the Kerguelen plume in just this way .
13 If that point , which coach Douglas Morgan had amplified repeatedly in last week 's aftermath , still needs re-inforcing , the coach was at least able to reflect with satisfaction on the birth-pangs of Scotland 's try .
14 If that point , which coach Douglas Morgan had amplified repeatedly in last week 's aftermath , still needs re-inforcing , the coach was at least able to reflect with satisfaction on the birth-pangs of Scotland 's try .
15 Griffin 's first round victory had left him with an eye fully closed which eventually opened slightly before last night 's win against Franke .
16 The former world junior gold-medallists were both in last year 's world championships bronze-medal eight .
17 ENGLAND forwards Brian Moore , above , and Jason Leonard will have allegations they switched footwear illegally before last weekend 's cup tie at Waterloo , investigated by the Middlesex County Union .
18 He reviewed Pooley 's Flight Guide Europe pretty carefully in last November 's Pilot .
19 Also on next month 's Megatape
20 Dodemaide , the Sheffield Shield player of the year , has been recalled after a three-year absence , along with Matthews , who has not played internationally since last year 's tour of the West Indies .
21 Anyone wishing to join the Liss club and perhaps start training now for next year 's race should just turn up for training on Wednesday evenings ( 7 p.m. ) and Sunday mornings ( 9.30 a.m . ) .
22 Now for last week 's Mellor-drama .
23 Stephen finished fifth overall in last year 's championship and although he won this round at the circuit last year , he will face tough competition from the mainland entrants .
24 Coincidentally , the England squad team up tomorrow for next week 's World Cup qualifier against Turkey .
25 His team is like Dumbo : no-one seriously believes it can fly all the way back here for next summer 's World Cup finals after losing 2–0 to an American side that chortled with disbelief .
26 The Merseyside Development Corporation says it hopes the bridge will ease congestion in the area during the tourist season particularly during next year 's Battle of the Atlantic 50th anniversary celebrations .
27 Sales of Ford 's best-selling Fiesta this year are well below last year 's sale of 117,000 and plants at Halewood , Dagenham and Southampton have all had weeks of complete closedown .
28 On a happier note for Parrott , his manager Phil Miller is recovering well from last week 's heart bypass operation .
29 Mr Bryan Atherton , director of finance at Teesdale district council , said their budget had come well within last year 's allowance .
30 Cardboard box seemed to hold up well to last night 's storm .
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