Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun prp] [noun] where " in BNC.

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1 Vadim 's Et Dieu Créa La Femme ( 1956 ) was the watershed film which liberalized the cinema , but only after it had run into censorship trouble everywhere , especially in the United States where the Hollywood decency code still insisted on separate beds for married couples .
2 And England manager Graham Taylor admitted : ‘ Any player worth his salt must be interested in playing for his country against the likes of Germany and Brazil , especially in the United States where the next World Cup will be played . ’
3 You 've for part of the walk , you walk right along the Addington Road along just inside the Addington Road where the bridge is , do you know where the bridge is ?
4 Mansell , who had rushed away to the Williams garage where the doors were immediately closed behind him , later emerged red-faced with anger to storm to the stewards ' tower .
5 As I look around at the happy faces it is difficult to realise that the German Army is only a few miles away across the River Seine where they are defending Le Havre .
6 It will be shot in Redhills , Co Cavan , close to the Fermanagh border where The Playboys was filmed .
7 AN ENRAGED mob screamed abuse and hurled missiles during clashes with police yesterday outside the Liverpool courtroom where two 10-year-old boys were accused of murdering two-year-old James Bulger .
8 We reached Mandalay and I went straight to the Winchester Mission where dear Willie Garrad looked shocked to see me and said in a scandalised voice , ‘ Oh , but you ca n't possibly stay here ’ — it was a Brotherhood you see !
9 I had visited her often in the London hospital where vain efforts were made to stop the spread of cancer .
10 We had spent a week at La Bérade — that little unspoilt mountain hamlet deep within the Dauphiné massif where Eric shipton stayed in 1925 for his first alpine season ; and though we 'd found the mountains bathed in light and little snow around as we drove slowly up the battered but stupendous road from St Christoph through Les Etages , his words about the view he had from the bus exactly mirrored our mood as we peered up through a windscreen at the hills :
11 Even in the United Kingdom where there are no constitutionally guaranteed rights , a claim of this sort has been made .
12 It applied equally to the Galapagos Archipelago where the ancestors of Darwin 's finches had on arrival resolutely stuck to their islands and refused to travel short distances across water to interbreed and had consequently evolved into thirteen distinct species .
13 Clinton also won in the key Midwestern states ( except for Indiana , the home state of Bush 's running-mate and incumbent Vice-President Dan Quayle ) , and performed well in the West , particularly on the Pacific coast where Democratic gains included the largest prize of all , California .
14 Then we was taken out of there into the Corporation Street where the fair used to be held and we had silhouettes of different aircraft on poles and holding them up and we er so as we could recognize them .
15 From there to the Watling Street where the Grove pit used to be , straight the way along go over the railway bridge , you know , it 's the turn , well Grove pit was right in there .
16 It has performed superbly on the Swanage Railway where it is ideally suited to the kind of work undertaken at that location .
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