Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [conj] he [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Fagg emitted an interesting glugging sound , rather as if he were repeating the name of the insulted Vietnamese over and over again .
2 In the manual occupations it is difficult to determine a man 's actual position : a smith , for example , was a smith regardless of whether he was assessed at £2 or £20 .
3 Penny was Sixer of the Kelpies , and when her granny had given her a beautiful budgie for a birthday present she decided to name it Kelpie after her Six , especially as the bird had a little silver patch on his throat — just as if he was wearing the Promise Badge , Penny pointed out gleefully .
4 A gem from Kydonia shows the Master of Animals grasping two lions as they apparently sit upright , just as if he was holding a pair of pups by the scruff of the neck ; the image speaks clearly of the god 's dominion over wild beasts .
5 The Corporal was still on the wall , all credit to him , legs astride as if he was riding a motorbike .
6 He shook his head quickly as if he were warding off a sneeze and concentrated on Jim , whose affable plasticine face now seemed sharper and more ambitious .
7 He was staring at the floor , keeping very still as if he was trying to be part of the wall .
8 He lifted Patrick 's hands and arms and let them fall , he shook his shoulders and moved his head to and fro , then he began to stroke his face , carefully as if he were moulding it .
9 Despite all his international experience with England and the Lions , he will be out there tomorrow as if he was winning his first cap and that 's a priceless commodity .
10 General Midwinter was in front of the band smiling benignly at the closely packed guests and holding his gloved hand high as if he was auctioning it .
11 He stood straight and still , breathing hard as if he were steeling himself to do something .
12 He was so extraordinarily quiet and self-possessed , it was almost as if he were chatting to us confidentially about it all instead of making an elaborate speech .
13 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
14 As she had come round the corner of the house from putting her bicycle in the old stable block , Inspector Blakelock had been standing at the front door almost as if he were waiting for her .
15 Almost as if he were describing a Stieglitz photograph of her , he characterised O'Keeffe as ‘ gaping with deep open eyes and fixed mouth at the rather trivial world of living people ’ and called her art ‘ unqualified nakedness of statement . ’
16 The man went on waiting , almost as if he were teasing Stephen , and when at last he did move , it was suddenly and with a strange dancing skip .
17 There was something funny about his tone of voice , almost as if he were asking rather than telling her .
18 ‘ Kevin Brown says it was almost as if he was hit by a bazooka , right in front of them , but they saw nothing like a bazooka .
19 It was almost as if he was trying to hide .
20 I was certain he did n't know I was following him , but he led me a pretty dance almost as if he was trying to lose me .
21 ‘ At the time , he thought — no , it was almost as if he was hoping — that someone had pushed Klein off the cliff .
22 He was running , just as children of that age do , almost as if he was chasing the shadows across the moor .
23 It was almost as if he was using their past acquaintance as an excuse for familiarity .
24 The look he slanted her was quizzical , almost as if he was humouring her .
25 ‘ Paige , my dear child , come in , come in , ’ he invited warmly , sounding almost as if he was expecting her .
26 And for the first time since he had so suddenly reappeared in her life Laura saw her husband 's shoulders slump , almost as if he was bearing the weight of his own brother 's horrific injuries .
27 He glanced at her almost as if he was reading her thoughts .
28 His face closed up completely at her words , almost as if he was wearing a mask .
29 It is strange how so many of Palin 's characters , from Pythons ' Mr Gumby through to the stuttering animal-loving crook in Cleese 's A Fish Called Wanda , seemed to be based on his father , almost as if he was persecuting himself by playing infinite versions of the man .
30 It was almost as if he was touching her already — but it was only the shadow of him .
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