Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [pron] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They both know it 'll be all right between them in a bit .
2 No collection of his own papers survives , nor is there much about him in the letters of others .
3 There was once in the olden days a giant who lived on Penhill who had all below him in the dale in his thrall .
4 And think better of me in the future ! ’
5 There are billions of galaxies much like it in the Universe .
6 She could cope well enough with him in the office where their point of contact was work , but occasional moments — like last Saturday , sitting in the sunshine in the garden of her flat , and today on the train — had shown her a glimpse of Luke the man , not simply Luke the employer .
7 Thank you very much , Sir Leonard for that , in th in the beginning of your address you posed the question , what does a company like I B M have to do with a community and then proceeded to answer your question , I think in a most , er , comprehensive way , and I I speak as someone who lives in a county , Hampshire , where I B M has a strong er , base , and I know from personal experience as a volunteer in that county , how much we value the contacts that we have with I B M and the way in which we work together with them in the way that you have described .
8 And he started to cry , there , alone with her in the cemetery , next to those he had loved the most and missed the most .
9 He is on his own and definitely talking aloud to himself in the privacy of his room .
10 It would not disturb you , would it , if I had to bear our child in this hole , among this dirt — I have hardly been able to keep clean over the time we 've lived here , with only a jug of cold water — and the unbearable food , and hardly enough light to see by when I have to read your script aloud to you in the evening , and then give you your pleasure in the bed every night with that woman listening through the wall ?
11 She had enticed them in like an old witch , Val said , by talking volubly to them in the garden about the quietness of the place , giving them each a small , gold , furry apricot from the espaliered trees along the curving brick wall .
12 So if you 're going or When my daughter had a driving test I was massaging neroli all over her in the hope that she would calm down .
13 They had n't got no kids , yelling and nagging at you the minute you get in , crawling all over you in the night because they 're cutting their bloody teeth .
14 ‘ They 're all over us in the air , and we ca n't stop them on the ground .
15 While ideally this should be the chairman there may be someone even better at it in the group .
16 So clearly now , the , there 's some merit in looking afresh at it in the light of five B , being able to match the kind of funding that 's available there .
17 Both men had moved up in the world recently and the evidence of their new wealth was all around them in the curtains , the carpets , the original paintings and the quality of the ornaments and effects .
18 Matches in hand on the sides all around them in the table and of course the team that has gone very very close to promotion the last two seasons loing losing in the playoff final .
19 Sometimes , people can be evil , egoistic , destructive and aggressive , and think only of themselves as we know to our cost , and as we see all around us in the world , from time to time .
20 It was a vibrant time : the flowering of the sixties had lost some of its bloom , but the fruit was ripe and all around us in the protagonists of the new arts .
21 The Emma was just astern of us in the convoy and keepin' station fine , even though she was a coal-burner . ’
22 ‘ He was last year about now but Easter 's late , I had n't thought on , and he 'll not move down until Palm Sunday like as not , and if he 's still over on the mountain he 'll be up Three Valleys Pass and that 's an hour and a half of a walk for him , going as the crow flies , but longer for us in the jeep because there 's no direct road — and then to get at him we 'd have to take a cart track that 'll be more like a river bed after yesterday 's rain .
23 Exactly like him in every respect .
24 Just behind them in the table , following a fine win at home over David Lloyd Finchley , are the Walton Astro 's who leap-frog above the team they defeated in second place .
25 ‘ It 's just like something in a film , ’ she said .
26 She stopped , aware that her tongue was running away with her in the heat of the moment .
27 He 'll never let you get away with anything in a ward even if he 's been pining with unrequited love for your aunt for God knows how many years . ’
28 ‘ YOU always get something to take away with you in the Children 's Address . ’
29 Managers need to be alert to the influences that in combination persuade staff to take ( and condone others taking ) short cuts through the safety rules and procedures because , mistakenly , the perceived benefits outweigh the risks , and they have perhaps got away with it in the past .
30 His mother , who had spent longer with him in the garden than usual that day , led him into the sitting room when they returned to the house .
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