Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [verb] [pron] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Short-term memory is the phenomenon by which we can remember a telephone number long enough after looking it up to be able to dial it .
2 Actually , Maximum John was sunnily good-humoured on Monday , refraining entirely from picking anybody up by the lapels to ask them , ‘ You what ?
3 In addition most clubs organise a full programme of races over the season which , once you 've mastered the basics of sailing , can improve your skills very quickly by matching them up with other boats in the fleet .
4 A short bout of exercise has a further role , namely of waking you up in the morning as it turns on the alerting mechanisms of the body .
5 Not only had he managed to manipulate her into going with him to Conway House but also into picking him up from his home and taking him there as well !
6 Of course it is easy to look back now and say , well , would anyone have noticed if I had left my shoes lying around the changing room instead of buckling them up inside my satchel when I changed into my gym kit for classes with the Butcher ?
7 The government would save so much money in the long run if they built us all homes instead of putting us up in this dump ; it 's ridiculous . ’
8 ‘ When it was time for me to fire the very pistol , I had to get up from the wireless operator 's seat and had to move my parachute — which was always as close to my feet as possible and instead of lifting it up by the canvas carrying handle , I lifted it up by the metal handle ( the rip cord ) and so had a bundle of silk to get out of the way .
9 Be nice in the summer and just put instead of doing her up in all these great big snowsuits , you know ?
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