Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [noun] there [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I suppose the humans or whatever knew they would be coming back , and I 've been up and looked at the controls and , you know , it 's probably easier than the truck was , only of course there 's these extra levers for the hydraulics , but that should n't be a problem if there 's enough fuel , which … ’
2 When that was too much like work there were all the domestic tasks to catch up on .
3 So on unemployment there is some evidence of a slight tendency for the public to follow the lead of the parties and the media but it was a very slight adjustment of public attitudes .
4 And they 'll check that out for you and we 'll see what 's happening but it 's just in case there 's any arthritis or anything like that that 's
5 I ‘ ll stop by every now and again and listen at the door , just in case there 's any rough stuff .
6 just in case there 's any confusion .
7 just in case there 's any more of what we was giving them .
8 Well I put in there would you pass this thing on , just in case there 's any confusion , I put in there I hope Annalise and erm Ian liked the raincoat and jacket for the baby
9 We 'll let them get on with about half the ceremony — just in case there are any stragglers . ’
10 He leaned towards me and whispered : ‘ Just in case there are any of Billy 's animal friends here . ’
11 These latter features are joined by other neat utilities for LCD screen users to combat that frustrating mouse pointer invisibility syndrome.A choice of four switchable radio channels is provided just in case there is any external radio interference , for example , from other radio controlled devices .
12 Just in case there is any complacency , farmers are also being bombarded with warnings .
13 Thus ( 61 ) will be true , on this account , just in case there is some reference time ( say , another event ) prior to CT , such that at that reference time , ( 62 ) would have been true ( while ( 62 ) is in turn true , just in case ( 63 ) would have been true at some point prior to the CT of ( 62 ) ) : ( 6z ) John had seen Mary ( 62 ) John saw Mary ( 63 ) John sees Mary But such M-tenses do not match up simply with L-tenses , for L-tenses nearly always encode additional aspectual and modal features too ( see Comrie , 1976a ; Lyons , 1977a : 703ff , 809ff ) .
14 Just in case there was any doubt about it , she decided the woman needed flowers every day , and she would be the one to send them .
15 Elsewhere in Nicosia there were several arrests and in one incident police fired tear gas to disperse a crowd .
16 Elsewhere in England there are many more .
17 Just outside Dundee there are several country parks ideal for gentle walks .
18 Close to Freuchie there are some waymarked Forestry Commission walks .
19 But also of course there was this propaganda from from the government you know that erm they 'd just got to keep up morale and this was one one way as you will see in a minute of how they did it .
20 So , if you could er , however you present it , just wait behind in case there are any questions where people need clarification .
21 ‘ Very often in archaeology there are some extravagant claims ’ noted Harris — now there is an ‘ independent method for checking some uncertain claims ’ .
22 Well we 're still continuing to monitor the situation we 're still carrying on inquiries at er at schools we 're going further afield now in case there is some suggestion that she she might be living further afield er towards Worksop or even in towards Derbyshire .
23 Now beyond Forrest there were all fields , there were the two railways , the old Great Central Railway on one side of Forrest and the old Great Northern Railway on the other side of the forest .
24 There is likely to be unease if the target is for essentials such as basic stock or textbooks , the LEA has a responsibility to ensure that even under LMS there is enough money provided from central funds to staff and equip a school .
25 Even in war there 's some humour .
26 And then of course there are all the people round who will want to meet you .
27 Then of course there 's this insurance thing to do as well when David 's er free and sorted out
28 I still I still think they are today , and er , there was the Slippery Elm and then of course there was these backstreet effort .
29 Not only did they have to feed the family and all the guests at ‘ the Big House ’ , but regular supplies were sent to the town house as well , then of course there were all the servants to feed .
30 Unfortunately at present there is little activity towards similar exploitation of this form of over-production in nature by commercial breeders for the aquarium .
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