Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [subord] we have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Right so if we 've got this
2 Not so long as we 've got the stuff .
3 ‘ We 've taken a bit of stick and rightly so because we 've had a bad week and had two disappointing performances .
4 ‘ How strange , ’ the majordomo was saying , ‘ another honourable Inquisitor presenting his credentials so soon after we have seen the last one off ! ’
5 When it comes to loyalties the list of allegiances extends much further than we have considered hitherto .
6 I think that so far as we 've got .
7 We , we are er Chairman involved in Redhill proposals in so far as we have submitted erm a series of er points to the local authorities concerned and tomorrow er as it happens is the date for the pre-enquiry meeting , the enquiry is due to be held er in I think late spring May er time , I 'm not sure of the exact date
8 Within the sorry within the H B F projections , the populations grows by seventy thousand persons , so even though we have increased death statistics , mortality statistics where life expectancy is going to increase , by applying those onto a higher population you 're naturally going to have more deaths .
9 But managing director Mr Peter Jarvis admitted : ‘ Because of the squeeze on spending , retailing , particularly in the South-east , is not doing so well as we had hoped . ’
10 ‘ Somewhere public , ’ she ventured acidly , ‘ where we can look at strangers who organise their lives and affairs more successfully than we 've done . ’
11 We shall discuss this issue further below after we have examined the nature of the ECJ 's reasoning .
12 Others adopted the term , sometimes using it more prescriptively than we had intended .
13 we do n't really need to go any further because we 've found it 's not balanced but we just for completeness , how many Cs on this side ?
14 It was also unusual to have the batsman complain about seals swimming behind the bowler 's arm , but at least this allowed us to stop for drinks even more often than we had done the day before .
15 Still , we were hopeful of the future of the still young department , when the decision was made to seek CNAA validation for the courses offered by the College , and we prepared to rewrite ours to take account of our experience , and to justify our intentions more fully than we had had to do before to critics from whom we expected scepticism rather than sympathy .
16 That Madam , Gary used to say , she 's been forty for as long as we 've known her .
17 Whatever we want from our lives now — the Booker Prize , a recording contract , a promotion , a Porsche convertible , the girl at the Virgin Megastore checkout desk — we can not possibly have coveted it for as long as we have cherished dreams of football glory , dreams which have remained fundamentally unchanged since childhood .
18 Yates , 25 later this month , has been tracked by a number of top clubs , including both Liverpool and Spurs , but manager Neil Warnock yesterday admitted : ‘ His injury is not responding as well or as quickly as we had thought .
19 And you 'll agree that we 're not doing that as quickly as we 'd hoped ?
20 If we are accused of structuring a massive bid proposal to expressly favour G Tec , and if G Tec end up being the only bidder we should expect to encounter major public relations and or legal problems , and we could end up paying far more than we had anticipated for the needed goods and services .
21 Of course it 's only a rummage-search , but as far as we 've gone , there 's nothing in that boat at all that has n't a right to be there . ’
22 Dysart nodded , considered the point for a moment then said : ‘ Some might say it was a sign she had n't recovered as well as we 'd hoped . ’
23 We played as well as we 've played all season last weekend and a match like this is the best way to end our league season , ’ said coach Tommy Dowens .
24 The Conservatives in Wales have actually taken this principal much further they do n't only allow overseas voters to participate in Welsh elections , they actually encourage them to become chairmen of our quangos as well as we 've got David Robeddow chairman of Conservatives abroad in Monte Carlo i if the panel out .
25 I think it still is the way forward and I do n't think it was so much that things went wrong as that they did n't go as well as we had hoped for the women elections to the shadow cabinet .
26 Well only because we 'd seen it in the shop
27 That may sound emotional , but we are mere custodians of the game , which will be there long after we have departed .
28 So , really I do n't know what 's the best way to start , just ask you give a brief resume of where you 're at , if you 've done if you 've got it in hand , if you have n't got it hand erm and then perhaps when we 've done that we might er look at possible resources and stuff get off now .
29 Anuvver fing is that if we do 'im over 'e wo n't 'ave the strength ter struggle free too soon after we 've gone .
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