Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The legends are screen-printed on , that 's one better than stick-on , but so badly done in some cases that it 's a toss up as to which is the worst method !
2 De Niro 's diner has been so eagerly anticipated with some magazines printing details of the menu months in advance that it has nearly overshadowed Tribeca Productions , which has quietly put together an impressive list of future projects .
3 These thinking qualities are retained long after the catalogue of facts , so long over-valued by some teachers , has been forgotten .
4 Higher education had only just resumed with some semblance of normality after the disruption of the previous decade .
5 Each a master from one of the schools , they had obviously totally disagreed on some decision .
6 There is some anecdotal and a little firm evidence that dual-subject degrees are less well regarded by some employers ( Gordon 1983 ) .
7 Well he was as good as they come , as far as I was concerned , because if it could be had , swiped , stolen , midnight requisition or just purely ordered from some place , when we needed it we got it .
8 They are perhaps also more darkly moved by some threat in the law of flesh and blood itself .
9 These designs may be more closely associated with some weaving groups than others ( e.g. , Ferahan and Mal-e-mir ) , and it is not unusual for the names of the design and the weaving group to be interchanged .
10 Congenital deafness is more commonly associated with some dogs than others — white boxers , for example , are prone to this condition .
11 Preferably by retaining the two-thirds majority , but at least ensuring as my Noble Friend Lord has suggested , a clear majority and I myself will go on reiterating the principle , enunciated by Professor in the er and also much commended by some elements in the Conservative Party and he said you can not have real effective democracy without real effective local self government , and he said that in the light of his experiences in pre-war Germany .
12 In white blood cells , fibroblasts and in various invertebrate cells , several agents which induce cell proliferation activate Na/H exchange ; the exchanger is also spontaneously activated in some tumour cell lines .
13 She has often darkly alluded to some form of abuse in her own formative years , and there 's a strong sense that she 's singing these songs to someone in particular .
14 The 1.8-litre petrol engine first introduced in the Clio during May 1991 is similar to the unit now also offered in some models of the Renault 19 .
15 Apes may well have produced new two-sign combinations that their trainers have been inclined to interpret as appropriately invented for some feature in the context .
16 And this weakness was almost automatically exacerbated in some instances by the alternative of episcopal jurisdiction for infringements of the Peace of God ; this created procedural uncertainties in the minds of plaintiffs and judges , to delay yet further the chance of obtaining justice .
17 The Tequila Slammer , which you probably wo n't find in the Cocktail Recipe books , was almost certainly invented by some loony Hooray in a flash cocktail bar somewhere as a means of using up cheap tequila .
18 After all , I 'm tolerably well known in some circles .
19 ‘ She was most certainly subjected to some sort of ordeal . ’
20 As Tate remarked austerely , ‘ His Eliabethanism has indubitably been too ingenuously appraised by some critics ’ .
21 I believe that local democracy was not very responsibly exercised by some people in the years that have just gone by . ’
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