Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb past] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , he only once travelled with the England party , to Rome in 1933 , when he gave the team a tactical talk before their clash with Italy .
2 Dean Rusk and others in Washington were not happy to find the British ambassador so often closeted with the president .
3 There was a flurry of protest , which Di Leonardo once again stilled with a gesture of benediction .
4 It also unhappily coincided with an announcement from Downing Street that German Chancellor Dr Helmut Kohl will fly to Britain next Wednesday for an Anglo-German summit in advance of December 's Edinburgh summit .
5 The information on a modern laser disc ( often called ‘ compact disc ’ , which is a pity , because the name is uninformative and also usually mispronounced with the stress on the first syllable ) is digital , stored in a series of tiny pits , each of which is either definitely there or definitely not there : there are no half measures .
6 Perhaps a certain detachment from puritan enthusiasm , an insistence on moderation and toleration on religious issues , defined the mentality that most often coincided with an interest in science in seventeenth-century England .
7 He even later posed with the warden .
8 Now I remember you quite strongly disagreed with the notion that in fact if you do n't know behaviour itself from w our own experiences , we behave differently in different situa in very similar situations and it 's based on our interpretation of the stimulus .
9 But caught in that web were jots of evidence that Angie quite simply lived with every day .
10 The programme pretty well began with an interview with someone from the Bundesbank which , as running orders go , is a bit like a long-jumper beginning his approach with his laces tied .
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