Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly he misjudged the direction of the wind.He thought it was a light southerly it was north westerly .
2 And from somewhere inside she felt a spurt of rebellious determination .
3 The man lingered and looked helpless , and a little impatiently she opened the door for him .
4 What happened was that I mean you made curtains er the rusty red was affected by light , so eventually you got a curtain where where the red spots had been there were holes .
5 I suppose once we did n't need the coal so badly they closed the mine down , then the railway .
6 Archie Hart 's suit filled and perhaps incautiously he made a dash for the shelter of some dunes , where he hoped to drain it out .
7 We do intend to get along to MIP-TV next April , so obviously we found the event of use .
8 So suddenly you had a house all of your own !
9 ‘ I 've been away so long I felt a bit like the new boy walking into the old school when I arrived at the studio for Carry On Columbus , ’ he admits .
10 Er but what I become , I thought you might become more confrontational but you did n't so so you dug a hole for yourself that you could 've dug out of you sat in there but I think you handled that quite well , but there are people like me out there who think they know it all and will have a go at you .
11 Only tonight we had a row and said things .
12 Only yesterday he received a letter from Mr Clinton thanking him for his support .
13 They were told nothing else ; only later they heard the abuse was supposed to have taken place outside the family .
14 I 'm not sure how the connection was made , in that I build canoes ( wooden canoes-wood — dog sled ? ) , but a week or so later I had a set of plans .
15 Much later I recited the story of ‘ my day in search of a morgue , to a friend who runs a residential home on the south coast .
16 On a day when the general debate centred on whether or not games should be held when gales are blowing , Jess ruined a few arguments by going about his business so smoothly he gave the impression that in those areas of the field in which he moved , the wind had been magically stilled .
17 My father 's house at Beachley had been requisitioned by the Navy during the war , so now we had no home .
18 So now we had the go ahead to cover the tail surfaces and the wings ( span of 36′ 9″ ) with fabric , dope and paint .
19 So now he lifted the woman from the stationery shop to her feet .
20 So now I needed a job that I could do for approximately four months — something well-paid , light , congenial , preferably among colleagues with a physical inability to drop their eyes below shoulder level .
21 Through it she could feel the steady rhythm of his heart-beat , only now it held a threat : the fragility of life .
22 Every so often she caught a glimpse of the green , tiered wedding-cake-style steeple of St Nikolai church rising two hundred and thirty feet into the air .
23 Every so often I stood the treat .
24 She slid behind the wheel and started the engine , pulling away so sharply she caused the car behind to sound his horn as he braked to avoid her .
25 This particularly applied in the hundred or so religious houses of royal foundation but by the early fourteenth century the king was extending the custom to the newly elect of other institutions ; not less frequently he requested a corrody ( or board and lodging ) for an ageing royal clerk or household servant .
26 Only today I received a document from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals that shows that it does not understand .
27 Only today I received a letter from Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia listing the Orthodox churches that had been destroyed by Croats .
28 Not long ago we reported a case where a child died of fright caused by the approach of a Police officer in Uniform .
29 Is the Chancellor aware that not so long ago I met a chap in Blackpool who said to me , ’ When you see that Chancellor of the Duchy , tell him that I want to give him a piece of my mind : not only is the poll tax three times higher than the rates , but I have lost my job , my wife has been waiting for an operation for two years , my daughter has lost her maternity grant through this Tory Government and my son has lost his income support — so when you see the chairman of the Tory party , will you tell him that I want to meet him to discuss this matter at the top of the Blackpool Tower ? ’
30 One morning not long ago he saw a fox walking past this same window .
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