Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [pers pn] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is n't he the grand feller , chanting away , as if it was only yesterday he called up a spell or two ? ’ )
2 Sometimes — now , for instance — I look down on Tod , on John , as a mother might ( mother night ) , and try to find hope in the innocence or neutrality of his sleep So now we wake up a new man .
3 erm So now we started up the long term survey , and we 've now got 10 schools taking part , and they 're starting next week , and they 'll be carrying on in the same way as they were the pilot survey , taking the same measurements .
4 Then she yelled ‘ Beep ’ so loudly I ended up a yard away from our communal house phone which is nailed to the wall just inside the front door .
5 Her fists gripped the armrests of the chair so tightly she made out the taut ligaments running from her wrists to her knuckles .
6 Soon afterwards she took up a position at the hospital .
7 Once there I handed out the packs and sat waiting for approval .
8 So at the end of each appointment you want a result and a result is either the business or introductions , hopefully both so I hang on the importance again .
9 But even then we divided up the list and had at least an aisle between us .
10 I slowed down but even then I locked up the front wheel in one of the fast corners and I fell again .
11 The lightstick lasts for up to six hours sometimes longer you tee up the ball on every shot so that you ca n't hit the light stick out when this game is played the flags are all lit up with bigger lightsticks .
12 Played softly it sounds clear and well-balanced , and if you dig in really hard then it shifts up a gear and becomes well funky .
13 Stealthily again she put down the phone .
14 When he could stand it no longer he put out an ‘ all points ’ to demand progress reports .
15 They were n't able to give him this so he took up a reciprocal heading and dropped down to 2,000 ‘ ft ‘ and eventually found Humberside — all the time trying to figure out what had gone wrong .
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