Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] i had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So much so that I had to threaten to call the police . ’
2 Here 's money for my meat ; I would have left it on the board , so soon As I had made my meal ; and parted With prayers for the provider
3 I had a similar experience in the vestibule of the BBC with an interviewee from the Festival of Light who was declaiming the sins of magazines with open-crotch poses so loudly that I had to pretend I was n't with him .
4 Fearnley was by now talking so quietly that I had to lean close to hear him .
5 While I was being so damned honest all of a sudden , there was no use pretending any longer that I had chosen the obscure fishing village of Collioure for a holiday for any other reason than because I had heard he usually went there .
6 Actually the day Passed more quickly than I had expected .
7 Since I was working from this book I read the introduction more carefully than I had done previously .
8 But it did blunt the tool quite easily and sharpening was needed more often that I had thought likely , though this walnut was extremely hard .
9 I cried to come down more insistently than I had pleaded for a ride .
10 It looked a scrappy goal , but slightly better once I had seen what really happened on the telly .
11 I 'd have told you straight away if I had done .
12 I shall refer briefly to one of the matters touched on by the hon. Gentleman , although I shall not speak on it for as long as I had intended , because the hon. Gentleman made wide-ranging reference to it himself , I congratulate him on that .
13 Bad industrial relations had been the curse of the country for as long as I had taken any interest in politics ; although the reform of trade union law was essential , further steps were also needed .
14 I met my teacher 's teacher once , fairly soon after I had finished my first instruments .
15 If I had left it on the night flying path I would have had a serious rocket which I would not have forgotten as easily as I had forgotten the first one — from the wing commander flying .
16 Everything in Stranraer Gardens was as still as I had left it .
17 What started out as an objective assessment like ‘ That lesson did n't go as well as I had expected ’ gets recast as ‘ I made a mistake ’ which leads to ‘ I 'm a poor teacher ’ and even ‘ I 'm a failure ( as a person ) ’ .
18 Even before that I had put on some weight which did n't all drain away during my illness .
19 The lessons took place during the evening and then only after I had finished my regular school work for the day .
20 There 's no way draymen in London deliver after lunch-time , so I felt fairly safe there even though I had to rearrange the kegs around Armstrong .
21 Quite evidently when I had performed the various therapies I had n't performed them properly .
22 So I lay naked in the rinsed airlessness of the room , waiting for She-She 's return , and wishing pretty earnestly that I had taken my chances with Moby .
23 Very soon after I had taken my seat a fairly small number of musicians on the stage , of chamber orchestra size , began their rehearsal .
24 My contract said very clearly that I had to have complete control of the making of the film , so I asked Darryl Zanuck if he would please replace me and I would give him the necessary time to find someone else .
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