Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhat pompously beginning with quotations from Milton , Johnson , Matthew Arnold and the Book of Common Prayer , it then lists the membership of the library/resources committee .
2 This is perhaps best illustrated with reference to earthquakes .
3 The idea of ‘ distraction ’ , so strongly linked with London in ‘ Burnt Norton ’ was one which Eliot saw in this period as politically as well as spiritually dangerous .
4 Birds from N Africa and the Middle East , erlangeri and tanypterus , are paler and much less heavily marked with streaks on crown , bars above and spots below .
5 These had left too many pupils of average ability or below either struggling with work beyond their abilities or following ‘ improvised ’ courses .
6 Stockbrokers , particularly those offering a cut-price service , will generally only deal with proof of ownership , such as letters of allocation .
7 And , when some other retired persons says in my presence ‘ I do n't know how I found time for work ’ , I no longer inwardly cringe with scorn at the well worn cliche as I used to do but instead I enthusiastically and of course sagely nod my head in hearty agreement .
8 It has to fend for itself , out of a budget that has just about risen with inflation in recent years .
9 Is the road to Scottish-style democracy and a Scottish parliament just plain littered with members of opposing parties linking arms and striding towards the new tomorrow ?
10 Shorter floats are more suitable when using cheap nylon yarns , for example , while wool yarns are usually better woven with designs including longer floats giving a lovely raised effect in the fabric .
11 The firm had suspended its head of research Terry Smith , issued injunctions against him and his publishers , and gained , for what is essentially an analysis of the ways in which companies improve their reported profits , the sort of press coverage more usually associated with revelations about Princess Di .
12 THE mother of a murdered seven-year-old was yesterday still helping with inquiries into the child 's death , more than 24 hours after she was arrested , said police .
13 Consistent with this , birth weight is more strongly associated with death before 65 years than with death at all ages .
14 On his returns to England , Edward more and more frequently mixed with people of like opinion , many of them friends or associates of politicians .
15 The Bradleys ' riverside establishment was still nearly always filled with customers during the day but the takings dropped .
16 Breakage is nearly always associated with digestion in these assemblages , and it would appear that breakage occurs soon after ingestion , with lines of weakness thus exposed being attacked by digestive fluids .
17 Racialized and ethnic discourses and encounters are also inevitably suffused with elements of sexual and class difference and therefore fractured and criss-crossed around a number of axes and identities .
18 He was also closely associated with Stephenson in his experiments with steam locomotives , and in 1821 accompanied him to Darlington , where they met Edward Pease [ q.v. ] and discussed the projected Stockton–Darlington railway line .
19 One might infer from this that investment intensity is therefore also negatively correlated with increases in the value of the business over a five-year period .
20 Length of service is also significantly associated with attitudes towards the efficiency and threat of SSE and towards professional development .
21 The windows were barred with white painted shutters covered with curtains of crimson velvet , her feet rested on a Turkey carpet and the walls were as thickly covered with pictures as if they had been pages in a stamp collection .
22 Both new private housing estates and council estates are often peripherally located with respect to the existing village ( Pahl 1965b ; Blacksell and Gilg 1981 ) .
23 These questions were fairly easily answered with respect to Lévi-Strauss .
24 The dead Jewish convoy commander had given his name to the land where Mrs Zamzam 's village once stood , an Israeli hamlet that was now periodically threatened with rocket-fire from Palestinian guerrillas , perhaps the same men who as children walked with Mrs Zamzam from Um Al-Farajh after the ambush on the Jewish convoy .
25 The magazine is now firmly established with demand for copies at an all time high .
26 It is sad but true that existing houses are often poorly located with respect to current jobs and services .
27 Pneumonia was the clinical symptom most strongly associated with seroconversion among drug users .
28 As strange as it sounds , the great popularity of Hitler already before the war had for the most part little to do with fanatical belief in the central tenets of the Hitlerian racial-imperialist ‘ world-view ’ , and even less to do with belief in the Party , whose leader he was .
29 The picture in Grampian region is even more pronounced with exports to the European Community accounting for 65% , and those to EFTA accounting for more than 10% of the total , giving a total for Western Europe of 75% .
30 The moral fault of his miller is stated directly and without delay : a point which is equally straightforwardly repeated with reference to the miller 's wife : And she was proud …
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