Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] had been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I had been right about that .
2 So she had been right about his mood !
3 So she had been right about Rebecca after all , she thought as they walked back towards the main part of the house .
4 On the walk back to Daphne 's flat Becky could n't help feeling a little guilty about deserting Charlie on his first night home and began to think perhaps it had been selfish of her to accept an invitation to go to a concert with Guy that night .
5 Perhaps he had been surprised to be greeted by an adult who did n't either admonish or cross-examine him .
6 So he had been churlish to Carol after all .
7 When her husband and daughter returned home they had been distressed at not finding Margaret .
8 Perhaps also she had been afraid of meeting Matthew .
9 Formerly he had been prone to pessimism , full of gloomy prognoses about over-population and wars , which would prevent mankind from ever fulfilling its dream of colonising other planets .
10 For a few yards now she had been aware of a car cruising behind her .
11 Six years ago she had been tongue-tied in his presence , and terrified by the strength of her reaction to him , her fear manifesting itself physically , stopping the breath in her throat , tensing her muscles and making her nerves leap every time he moved or spoke to anyone , and the rare occasions on which his glance had strayed idly in her direction , it had actually hurt her .
12 Latterly he had been involved in eel fishing and had been seeking a place to keep his eels alive and fresh .
13 There I had been present at the celebrations marking the Golden Jubilee of St Joseph 's College , Sasse , ( pronounced Sassay ) , where I used to teach .
14 Since then they had been awkward in each other 's company and everything seemed to have gone wrong .
15 But then he had been wrong about his eldest son .
16 For whether or no she had been instrumental in the making of that despicable will , it was her presence here that had caused it to be made .
17 Again he had been shocked to the heart , could not speak , sat struggling to order his thoughts .
18 Recently he had been intrigued by a paper proposing the development of an atomic weapon designed to kill people through massive exposure to radioactive fallout , but with a limited blast capability , thereby keeping buildings relatively intact — the Neutron Bomb .
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