Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] have [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Luckily I had run off a faint quality copy ( like this letter ) to economise on ink cartridge use as cartridges £14 or so each .
2 People add a little on and eventually I have signed for a club and sold my house .
3 Perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've , perhaps I 've mixed in a very sheltered society .
4 So I had stood for a little while on the bridge and saluted as the ship went down after all .
5 So I 've thought of a solution .
6 Obviously you 've slept with a bloke if you 've got a baby .
7 So she had jumped to a few incorrect conclusions about Piers .
8 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
9 ‘ Or perhaps we 've strayed into a black hole , ’ Philip Swallow continues , evidently enchanted with his flight of astronomical fancy .
10 So we 've got about a five week break now , before we pick up again .
11 Right so we 've agreed on a maximum of sixteen and three quarter percent paper wastage , three hours setting up time , and er , four and half hours printing .
12 So they have put on a Christmas show that runs until the end of January , which while still being very different from anything else in the Midlands this Christmas , should entice a new audience into the theatre .
13 She would have felt more able to respond if only he 'd exploded in a burst of anger .
14 Perhaps he had run into a pensioners ' outing .
15 Perhaps he had stepped behind a tree to relieve himself .
16 Now I do n't believe that this issue has been aired wide enough it 's understood by a lot of people what the problems are going to be these problems are n't gon na occur in the next ten years , they will happen in twenty years ' time .
17 Already I had put in a formal application to Gladstone Murray for a producer 's post with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation , and Ernie Bushnell suggested I submit a programme script for consideration .
18 Two months ago on an innocent April afternoon , yet already she had lived through a lifetime of sorrow .
19 Already we have moved into a darker , more specific and personal mood which is strengthened by the last chapter where the listener is brought closer to the poet to provide comfort for all the losses he has endured .
20 He did not resume his role as a major lender until after 1689 but meanwhile he had blossomed into a Kentish landowner and re-entered Parliament .
21 Even his walk was changed : normally he 'd moved like a man with springs in his feet .
22 His mother was not yet in ; presumably she had gone to a party .
23 Sally had agonised over what to wear — she was so afraid of letting Paula down — but eventually she had settled on a neat shirt-waister blouse and pencil skirt and Paula had loaned her a poplin duster coat in duck-egg blue with a thick soft grey Lucca Lamb collar .
24 In a wide ranging and at times overtly anti-communist speech , described by the Guardian of March 30 as " more measured and specific than any he has given for a long time " , Yeltsin pilloried central government policy , labelling perestroika the " last phase of the stagnation period " .
25 Years earlier he had resided briefly at a clinic with Vivien , where Robert Sencourt claimed to have first met them both : and earlier still he had spoken of a mental condition of ‘ long-standing ’ .
26 The world heavyweight champion , Riddick Bowe , said yesterday he had agreed to a rematch with Evander Holy- field , whom he dethroned last November .
27 practically you 've got like a rule compiler .
28 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
29 Clearly he has listened at a number of keyholes and collected the right gossip .
30 Unfortunately , unlike its predecessor it has no score system ( I always like to know how far I 've got in a game ) , but I presume this is due to memory restrictions .
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