Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [is] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 So she 's quite pleased that she 's put them on to it , it is difficult .
2 Perhaps it 's only appropriate that the ultimate colonialist rip-off should translate into the cynical money-grabbing myth making of Christopher Columbus : The Discovery .
3 Perhaps it 's as well that we no longer have death by hanging in this country — otherwise those last-minute reprieve calls from the Home Secretary might not happen in time …
4 Perhaps it is hardly surprising that Meléndez Valdés became an afrancesado .
5 Alexandra said , emboldened by her success , ‘ Then perhaps it is as well that I do n't hunt . ’
6 Only it 's just lucky that he 's got a lot !
7 It sounds slightly improbable that my right hon. Friend will be called to a meaningful debate on Scottish constitutional matters in the near future , but will he assure Conservative Members that were he to be so he is fully aware that people in England would take it amiss if any proposition were seriously entertained which allowed Scottish Members to decide matters in Scotland and then to have a say in English matters in England ?
8 In the process of this the Commission has to work closely with national governments , and so it is clearly desirable that domestic and EC law should be mutually consistent .
9 So it is little wonder that the Persians found the cat an invaluable ally even at the height of battle .
10 So it is quite possible that the hairs on plants , indeed their entire shape and form , act as tuned aerials , as vibrational emitters and receivers of highly specific wavelengths , in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum .
11 Erm , in fact Ted Hughes I think has largely lived in the countryside so it is quite likely that his house in which he sets this poem is in the countryside .
12 So it is quite natural that , along with all their other decisions , they should define the nature of their relationship to us .
13 The British population of some 52,000 is 65 per cent of the world population and so it is very important that these numbers are protected .
14 To know that I , as a person , am thoroughly good , intelligent and desirable , and that being so it is only logical that I should love myself passionately and unconditionally is quite a leap .
15 The profits from Jimmy Campbell 's cleverly-titled book about the Blackpool he has known for more than 45 years will go to the RNLI , and so it is perhaps appropriate that the very first chapter looks at the well-known Bickerstaffe family .
16 It takes as fact that employers , judges and Tory legislators can do no wrong , and so it is hardly surprising that it finds nothing to be said in favour of trade unions .
17 So it is hardly surprising that John Cranko , already a ballet pupil , although of very limited experience , was able to make himself useful when the two Cape Town companies had seasons in Johannesburg towards the end of 1943 .
18 So it is hardly surprising that the place has bred a line of hardy , taciturn beings who , accustomed from birth to fighting the elements simply to survive , are not given to public demonstrations of any kind of emotion .
19 So it is hardly surprising that nablabs are seen merely as a distress purchase .
20 Their origins , their tectonic and metamorphic history , and their structural relations , present geologists with some of the most complex problems to be solved within the science as a whole , and so it is hardly surprising that many universities have research interests here .
21 tragic that 's a good word to start from it 's the first thing they 're gon na look at after the headline so it 's pretty important that that the first word , I think looting was an excellent choice here .
22 So , so it 's entirely possible that all of this is misconceived ?
23 So it 's really important that we do n't irritate our skin .
24 To improve the quality of our work , these are erm , when I say though the current position is the technical quality is variable , these this assessment comes from internal reviews which are carried out and we have annual quality control reviews in all parts of the of the practice and the answers that have been come back coming back from those quality control reviews have and they 're pretty strict reviews it seems , strictly in accordance with the book , strictly in accordance with all the reg rules and regulations and , so if one has deviated from those and it 's hardly surprising how very high standards B S five seven five O would have , be quite easy to obtain in most of our practice areas , so it 's hardly surprising that there will be occasions when we do n't actually er come up with ten out of ten on a on an assignment .
25 Er erm July , er June is erm , according to Chris 's seasonality figures , normally about erm twelve percent higher than the mean , erm so if they 'll take the mean at about , at being about three hundred and fifty , you know we 're looking at a figure of somewhere just over four hundred for July , as opposed to last July which was erm I think five er four hundred and ninety four complaints in the month , so it 's very unlikely that that output figure will continue going up next month .
26 Mr Gorbachev may not have the authority to send Soviet troops to non-Russian parts of his own country at this point , so it 's very unlikely that he could or would try to send ground forces to the Persian Gulf .
27 So it 's very important that you do
28 So it 's very important that you avoid magistrates court .
29 and so it 's very important that you give the bearing correctly .
30 So it 's very important that if we do n't get erm visitors coming into the country from overseas that we perhaps erm help the industry , the industry helps itself indeed by giving and providing holidays for people from this country .
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