Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had only known , positively though without details , that there was no help and no comfort forthcoming from the source , and that being so I shied away from any mental flashbacks which could only make me more unhappy and ashamed .
2 She tried to act flippant by shrugging her shoulders and holding out her palms but inside she felt far from flippant .
3 So we take away from twenty , or even tens .
4 The sooner we get away from that bloody bank the better .
5 Instinctively she shied away from that idea , and accepted then that this interview business was nowhere near as easy as Cara had made out that it would be .
6 Often I climbed away from one bolt without being able to see where the next one was , and this added a new dimension to route finding .
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