Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] that [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 But bitterly I regret that I needed another man 's hands to help me , and he in ignorance . ’
2 Eventually I accepted that I had to leave without my baby .
3 Eventually I decided that I 'd had enough .
4 Suddenly I realised that I had not heard it before but read it before — word for word in the article that the Secretary of State for Education and Science wrote last Friday in The Times Educational Supplement .
5 I was half asleep against his shoulder and then … suddenly I realized that I wanted him to kiss me .
6 So I said that I had been lucky in a draw for leave , and that now Montague was dead I was to rejoin my original battalion .
7 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
8 But if so I felt that I had a chance of retrieving the situation , once I 'd made the Fraxillian delivery .
9 I have been here that long I thought that I had already been on … ‘
10 Yet straightaway I knew that something had changed , since that distant Moscow meeting and our encounter three years ago in Switzerland : for some reason I no longer felt desire stirring for her .
11 Suddenly she knew that she had to warn him .
12 Suddenly she realized that she had forgotten she was relying totally on speed speechreading .
13 She was still feeling somewhat shaken an hour later — she was going to Prague — and with Ven ! — when suddenly she realised that she 'd barely moved since that phone call .
14 Suddenly she remembered that she had a bar of chocolate somewhere .
15 It may be that you receive praise for a piece of work well done , and suddenly you feel that you made the right decision to leave the family home and strike out on your own .
16 " Perhaps you know that he came to see us ? "
17 Perhaps you know that I married a man who was very cruel to me .
18 And strangely enough she felt that she knew him but that was absurd , she had never seen him before .
19 She 'd put a fifty-pound note in it and so she thought that it had been stolen .
20 Suddenly everyone seems to be talking about the menopause so we thought that you 'd better hear what women really think .
21 So we find that he conducted the Reformation Symphony from time to time in last years , but the superior Scottish on only one occasion .
22 Perhaps they felt that it had been a dream all along , always doomed , this fantastical idea that their young brother would go on and get himself a serious education , even go to college .
23 Eagerly he announces that he joined in ‘ a marvellous Christmas drink with the canteen staff at the Department ’ .
24 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
25 Now suddenly he knew that he had been betrayed by the preconceptions which had been imposed by life under the Empire .
26 Ceauşescu was not after all Pol Pot , though in his last hours on earth perhaps he wished that he had been .
27 Obviously he assumed that she had picked up some instant Romeo , and it was clear from his tone and expression that he condemned her as cheap and shallow .
28 So she says so he said that she said , Oh what about the breakfast .
29 included in mine , so it meant that they paid me for the summer holidays cos I did n't officially really
30 Anyway I hear that you had little Jonathan John said .
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