Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Right I think we 'll have working now cos I 'm drying up quickly .
2 Well eventually I think we 'll have to get to that to that standard .
3 Well strangely enough I think we 'll have to have double rooms .
4 Only I think you 'll have to .
5 all them eggs you know , when we went to Alec , when they were selling these trays of eggs , er , we went there with Alec , so I said I 'll have one like , and they were really fresh , but when I got home I got that thing of , from Kwiksave , I got the whole packet , big packet
6 So I said I 'll have a couple of th they I said .
7 so fortunately I was at home before he did so I thought we 'll have something quick then , just had a roll , you know , and I thought well I , i it 's not worth worrying about it and sort of
8 So I thought we could have a really good time as well , yeah ? ’
9 so I thought we could have two , one of those each and five fingers .
10 so I thought I 'll have me water on
11 So I thought I 'll have a new carpet in my hall .
12 So I thought I 'll have it cut to this length .
13 So I thought I 'll have to tell , I 'll tell
14 yeah , so I thought I 'd have to keep him .
15 So I felt you might have something of substance to add to Captain Trentham 's report . ’
16 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
17 So I mean I would have thought they 've got ta comply with the same
18 So I mean she 'd have to be a very speculative investor , she 'd have to be right up to er adventurous , for her to think about that .
19 Yeah , so I mean you 'll have to find a spot on the film where it
20 So I mean you could 've got round it but you know you was good what you were doing but that 's where you lost yourself did n't you ?
21 So I think we ought to have a chat about the sort of things he 's putting you on , and then what side effects or anything you might get from those , but
22 Well I think we 'll have to get some other quotes , because Peter is n't the the roofer , he gets someone else to do it , so I think we ought to have some other quotes .
23 So I think we may have to take this as part of the council meeting when we get a report back , cos obviously , there 's a degree of urgency in whatever we do about this , but I can suggest that we can do no more than report back to the next council meeting that we 've discussed this , and that it is in solicitor 's hands .
24 I mean I found it almost as ridiculous as trying to sort of say , well half of my clerical staff are fairly incompetent so I think we should have a sort of incompetency rating for each of
25 So I think you 'll have to buy me a new one .
26 I just wanted to say three brief things about the boundaries , before doing so I think I may have to declare a personal interest .
27 but you had a eight to finish with which is finishing and a one , two , three might not be and a better run so I think I would have been tempted to finish with the ace flush there try and stop me rather than trying to win it cos you had nothing else did you ?
28 and we 're off on Friday , I 'm on a half day on Thursday , so I think I should have my day off on Wednesday .
29 So I suppose I shall have to rely for my silver lining upon Carrie Schlegel of Capistrano Beach , California , who was kind enough to write to this magazine to say that I was God .
30 so I decided I 'd have a go in a factory , aha , and I come in it was over in the other place , the noise was unbelievable , really unbelievable .
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