Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] [conj] [noun] [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And more of those will come in because it 's far better to prevent er not only nitrates but pesticides or anything else which is applied to land , getting into water .
2 ‘ I had three kids , Australia seemed to offer them better prospects than England and I was proved right , ’ he says .
3 We carried only suitcases and clothes and we had a case with our jewellery and the registry deeds to our lands inside .
4 You 've had a bad experience , but it 's one that happens to both men and women and you should have forgotten it long ago .
5 There are no special requirements in relation to the formation of a multi-national partnership — save that all the partners must be either solicitors or RFLs and there must be at least one of each to make it an MNP .
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